Chapter 52

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Zoyas POV

After burning down Zuzu and her minion I really did feel good about myself. Zuzu , I had no actual problem with her but the  fact that she called  Cole a monster when she herself was one as well. What a pathetic hypocrite.

Now I walking down a highway not sure of until  when I'll find some life here. Mirach must becoming right now but I just can't stand and wait  for him.

So that's when I found a phone on one of the gas stations and decided on calling Fareez who told me to speak to Dillan whether I wanted to or not.

"Hello Zoya " he said and I just chuckled. I had really his voice but I  didn't want to  talk to him.

"Hie Dillan" I said. "How are you ? How are you holding up" I could here him tapping wherever he was.

"I- I- I" I just edited rolled my eyes. "Whats wrong" I asked. "It's nothing are you okay" he asked something about his reply and his voice didn't seat right with me.

"I'll be back to the headquarters  by tonight  I want to meet you first" I said and ended the call.  And soon a black SUV pulled up infront of me.

The window rolled down revealing a smiling Mirach. He took off he's glasses  and fixed his hair.

"You look like shit" he said. I just chuckled "and I haven't even noticed " i said as I got into the car.

"Ao it's back to the academy?" He asked. "Yeah that's pretty much it" I replied while resting my head against the window before I actually got some sleep.

Alex's POV

"Don't worry too much Matteo , everything will be alright. C-sections are rare but this is the beat hospital Star and the baby will all be okay. Calm down" said my mom who was trying to stop me from pacing up and down.

Star just started having contraction after 3 days upon my arrival and the next thing I know she collapsed.

I what if I came a day late. What would've happened. I pulled on my hair until my scalp complaining. It's been 2hours since the doctors have been there with her but still they aren't coming out. Why can't they just come out already.

And as if fate was on my side the doctors came out. "Mr  Rammos , I'm very pleased to inform  you that  your wife and babies are doing okay and w-" I just snapped my fingers at him.

"Did you just say babies? As in  one baby?" I asked feeling more excited than ever.

"Yes Mr Rammos your wife gave birth to 2 healthy boys" and that right there added to my happiness. I'm not just a dad. I'm a dad of two people at once. I have kids.

I chuckled. "Can I see them"  I asked him. "They'll be moved to the presidential ward very soon. You can meet her and  the babies soon. If you excuse me , I need to prepare  their birth certificates. Once again , congratulations  Mr Rammos" I just nodded unable to express myself.

"Oh Goodness I have grandchildren. Oh my goodness  I'm so happy. Oh Alex my baby , congratulations" said mom pulling me into a hug.

I then went to the presidential  ward where I saw the love of my life looking at the two cribs that were beside her bed smiling at them. She looked like an angle that  just came  down from heaven.

"I love you Mrs Alex Matteo Rammos." I said and she looked up still  smiling. I walked up to her and captured her lips with mine.

After a moment we pulled back resting my forehead on hers. "Thank you for this , baby. Thank you for making me the happiest man alive. I love you so much more and I promise to be the best father to ours babies" I said and kissed her forehead once more.

"I'm an uncle" said  the twins as they bursted into  the room followed by everyone else. "Damn Alex you made me an uncle at 22. What did I ever do to you" said Andre as looked at the two angels in the crib.

"Now all my muscel  will be gone due to eating  junk food with these guys" he said while looking closely at the one who was in the second crib which was labeled. BABY NUMBER 2.

"So what are their names?" Asked Alpha.

"Well the one in the first crib is Xavier Hunter  Rammos and the one in second one is Xander Hein Rammos" I said.

Star and I had already decided on the names as we were not yet sure it they were going to be boys or girls and we got stuck between those for names and guess what they both have those names.

"Congrats man. You really are getting old. " Said Allan as he picked  up Xavier from his crib and gave him to me and then picked up Xander then gave him to his mom.

His mom... I love the sound of that.

"Don't worry kids   , you'll be under the protection of your two handsome twin uncles and if you ever need girl advice  were the right choice." Said Andrew and everyone chuckled.

"But seriously thou if you two ever need to get away from strict parents. Just call us and we'll he right there" said Andre.

"We know being twins and having both parents who are strict is hard" said Andrew. "It's really hard" said Andre.

"We really can relate" the both of them said. "What do you think that Patrick and I were strict on you" said mom who had been attending  to Star. "Wait until Patrick hears about this. , you won't have anywhere to run to." She said.

I could see the pain in her eyes when she talked about dad.

She hadn't seen him in about 3weeks now. All she could do was rely on his voice over the phone an nothing else.

Dillan's  POV

It's now late in the evening and I'm now waiting along side Elsa at the academy runway as Zoya's plane was about to land.

2 months. I've been away from her for exactly 2 months.  And  in those two months  I've been nothing but a wrecking ball. And just 2 nights ago I cheated on her. I don't have the courage to face her anymore.

Fareez practically aimed a gun on my forehead so that I could move forward and be here when she arrives.

As far as I can remember  they were supposed to be here around sunset but the got here later than that. I'm actually worried but I don't have  the guts to ask the only person I know has the information  to all of this. Fareez.

I've noticed how jumpy she was all afternoon. It's like all her concentration flew out of the window band left a scared and worried Fareez. I've never seen her like this.  Even Elsa seemed a bit tense since this afternoon.

A few minutes after the jet had landed the door opened along with the mini flight of stairs. The 4 guards rushed out and one of Then got a car to the jet.

The next thing had me weak in my knees but I still don't know how I managed to stay put and not go crushing to the ground.

"Zoya"  I whispered as tears clouded my eyes.

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