Genshin Characters Reactions

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In-Game AU

A/N - This is after Childe brings you into the game since he technically kidnapped you soooo- I'm make y'all happy by adding this Bonus Chapter.

And I'm only writing Characters who actually know Childe due to the fact that not many know of him cuz I mean he is a Fatui Harbinger, in disguise with the crowd ( I believe he is?? )

Plus 2 people requested the same thing so be prepared~ <33


Traveler / Paimon:

The Traveler and their companion, Paimon, were casually walking around Liyue and suddenly Childe ran past them without noticing them with you obviously in his grip unfortunately as you blankly stared at the ground. Obviously the Traveler and Paimon noticed as they looked at one another sadly.

They couldn't help but feel bad as they secretly followed behind, Childe then placed you outside of the Fatui Bank as he told you he would be back, he had to quickly do some things as he entered, thankfully the guy who is by the entrance wasn't there as the Traveler and Paimon took their shot and approached you.

They kept questioning you as you either remained quiet or simply replied with "He says I'm not allowed to tell..." which the Traveler and Paimon knew that Childe did something to you as they huffed in anger, the Traveler said if you ever needed any help, immediately come towards the Traveler as you nodded.

They both ran and hid as you turned behind you, thankfully Childe just got out of the Fatui Bank as he smiled and patted your head, unaware of the fact that the Traveler and Paimon were watching angerly.


Zhongli would probably have it oddly suspicious due to the fact that Childe is a Fatui Harbinger with endless limits of missions, and Childe would mostly be fighting the Traveller just to see... Childe clinging onto you like crazy. He follows you around like a dog, at least holds onto your hand or waist while walking around with you or simply drags you to somewhere with him. He decided to approach the both of you one day as Childe glares at him, thinking he may steal you away from him.

Turns out Childe had to do some work and left Zhongli to babysit you only for 1 day, you both began friends immediately and Zhongli talked so much and you enjoyed his conversations so much as well. Well Childe came back to pick you up, you refused to go as Childe felt heartbroken and Zhongli laughed, unaware that Childe felt really jealous you were with Zhongli the whole time and you may possibly never see Zhongli for a while...


Yelan is obviously somebody who works for Lady Ningguang and one day she was going to go to one of her missions when suddenly she noticed Childe dragging you while exploring and you had that sad look on your face, Yelan actually couldn't help but feel bad so she knew her missions could wait and maybe she could lend you a hand.

Hilichurls suddenly came as Childe let go of you and rushed towards them and tried to impress you when suddenly Yelan grabbed you and made a run for it, when Childe turned around and noticed you weren't there anymore. He began to kill or destroy everything until he found you.

Yelan took you somewhere far and private as she began to question you but you remained quiet, you knew you would get in big trouble when Childe asks what you have told people, Yelan sighed as she admitted that if you ever needed help. You immediately hugged Yelan as you nodded, she heard Childe coming as she told you what to tell him as an excuse and she ran off.

Childe then came running in and asked why did you leave and you told him what Yelan wanted you to tell him "Something took me but I didn't know what it was but I managed to fight it off, I think it ran away because it heard you" you told him that and he surprisedly believed you, but he felt that you both were being watched as he dragged you out but thankfully you noticed Yelan and she still felt guilty that she couldn't help you.

Scaramouche / La Signora:

These two are obviously the same for this situation but they always and I mean... ALWAYS! Try to keep Childe away from you, making excuses trying to keep you away from him like saying they are gonna take you for missions, strolls, visits to Nations or anything to keep you away from him. And surprisingly you opened up to them due to the amount of times they literally saved you from him.

Scaramouche may be extremely mean to everybody but he has a soft part for you and convinces you to talk, do whatever you want without being told to, he is very nice towards you which you feel grateful about and lucky part is that he even allows you to wear his hat and sometimes in secret, you have access to call him "Kunikuzushi" or just "Kuni".

La Signora or in other words, Rosalyne, which she allows you to call her in private or in front of the Fatui. She is definitely the 'Rich Aunt' or you consider her as a Sister you would probably never have, she may be a bit mean towards Childe but she actually allows you to do whatever you really want and whenever you both go shopping. You have access to buy WHATEVER YOU WANT! She doesn't care how much you spend, she obviously wants you to be happy.

Small Bonus, whenever Childe is fighting Scaramouche, La Signora always covers your ears and brings you into another room so you don't have to hear their arguments.


A/N - If you are willing to request anything, head on over to the "Bonus Chapters" and request on what you would like to have next!

The Requests are going to be open as long as the book is so be quick! As fast as possible before time is out!

I hope you enjoyed this Bonus Chapter!! <3

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