Chapter 9: Young Love

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Gigi <3

We get out of the car and enter The Palace. It's a huge VIP club, bustling with heiresses and celebrities. Blue lights are shining all over the dance floor, and the bar is full of people. We all find a table near the bar and I'm about to sit down when Ash locks eyes with me and motions for me to come to him.

So I go.

Leaving the rest of the group at the small table, I walk over to Ash, my eyes narrowed. He was standing by right by the bar, and he orders a whiskey.

"What do you want?" I demand.

"Whiskey. And you." He takes a sip of his drink.

My eyes widen. "Uh-"

"To listen to me."

I sigh, relieved. "What is it?"

"Want anything?" He points to the bartender, who smiles and waves. He must bring a lot of girls here. It makes me annoyed.

"Not right now. Anyways, aren't you driving?" 

"It takes a lot for me to become drunk. So. You know your sister?"

"No, I don't think I've met her." He glares at me. "Yes, of course, I know my sister."

"My brother likes her. You can feel it. They're like magnets when they are together." 

He waves a hand in their general direction and I feel my stomach drop when I look at them. They are sitting close together, not paying attention to anything my friends were saying. Alice tries to catch my eyes and make a dirty action with her fingers, shoving her middle finger into her other hand. I glare and look back at my sister. They were attracted to each other. It was like you couldn't hold either of them back, they would always find each other. Staring into her eyes, he tells her something funny, and she laughs. They look like they're in...

"I don't know how I feel about that." I glance at Ash. "They say karma's a b*tch, but young love is an even bigger one."

He glowers at me. "What? Why? Because his older brother is an ass? Because he isn't good enough for her?"

I laugh and his scowl falters a tiny bit. "No, that's not what I was going to say but, you aren't wrong. I'm not sure how I feel about her having a boyfriend. I don't want her getting hurt or broken into a million pieces. It feels like sh*t when you think you love a boy but he's f*cking a random girl behind your back." 

Memories swarm around me. My ex, Caleb, used to cheat on me without me knowing. He would come home smelling of another girl, and he would say that it was one of his mate's girlfriends. It was bull. He was a liar and I hated him for that. I put my foot down as soon as I knew something was wrong, but he denied it so many times. I didn't have trust issues and that seemed to be a problem. I let people in after I judge them. But Caleb didn't look like a cheater. I judged wrong when it came to boys.

I must be gloomy looking because Ash stares at me in shock. "Jesus, I-" He looks at the ground, rubbing his neck boyishly. "Sorry."

I smile at him, a real smile. WHY WAS HE SO F*CKING ADORABLE? I look at my shoes and then back up at him. "It wasn't your fault. He can burn in hell."

Ash spits out a laugh and I turn to our siblings, still flirting very obviously.

"Maia needs to go through that though. It's a good lesson to learn. The world is not rainbows and sunshine. It's filled with selfish d*ckheads and she needs to know how to handle them. Even if your brother doesn't end up breaking her heart." 

"Good. You can tell, can't you? He looks at her as though he's in the desert and she's the only source of water." I look at him looking at them.

"Wow. I didn't know you were poetic." I quip.

He rolls his eyes. "I'm just stating the facts. He doesn't talk about her but you can tell he thinks about her. Whenever I pick him up from school and ask him about girls he just rolls his eyes and says most of them are weird. Most."

I grin like the Cheshire Cat.

"Well then, we should play matchmaker. I'm sure you'd make a great Cupid." I taunt. 

I expect a comeback from him, but he's still looking at his brother. I study him for a moment, basking in the blue disco lights, and I notice his eyes are softer when he looks at his brother. I'm sure I do the same for Maia. In the middle of the blasting music, sweaty dancers, and the overwhelming smell of throw-up and alcohol, I'm staring at this guy's face. I feel my own heat up and I quickly look away. 

Seriously, Gigi? Stop it. This guy's still a d*ck. The rest of my classes earlier that afternoon were still full of his annoying, stupid friends. You can't like him. He's lowkey rude and he's probably not into you anyways. 

I look back at him and almost fall when I see he was looking at me. 

Was he studying me while I looked away from him? Sh*t! No, no, no. No funny ideas, Gigi. Do not imagine him pressing you against the bar and kissing your neck, smelling like the whiskey he was currently holding. AH. Stop. 

The whole time I was having this fight in my head, Ash was looking between me and the bartender. The bartender guy was busy in his own world, but as soon as Ash motioned to him, he snapped to attention. Jeez, was this guy a slave or something? 

"Are you sure you don't want a drink? You look like you could use one." He sends a deceiving smile my way.

"I guess so. Give me a Negroni."

"Wow. So demanding." His chewable lips pull into a smirk.

I want to flirt with him so bad, that I have all these naughty replies in my head, but I cannot. I want to slap him, and then slap myself.

Instead, I say, "Coming from the prince himself, I'm so honored." 

He's about to say something when the bartender gives me my drink. I thank him and I'm about to pay when Ash grabs my wrist. 

He says bye to the bartender and, without letting go of my wrist, drags me back to our table. On the way back, I'm about to reason with him about the 'no paying' thing when he leans down to my ear.

"You don't need to do that when you're with me." His whisper leaves a hot trail of shivers up my spine. He must feel it but he doesn't say anything. He simply smiles. 

"Fine. Told you you're a prince." I take a sip from my drink.

He frowns at me, sitting me down at the table, while he stays standing up. "Be careful of how much you drink." 

I gulp a larger gulp and smile. "Good thing I'm not driving then."


omg i already love them

they are soo cute

i mean #couple goals 


okay byee can't wait for the next chapter

Ash and Gigi put their heads together to think of a plan, but that's only after Gigi gets really, REALLY drunk. Only because she sees someone...

okay read on

red <3

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡 ☑️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora