008. Worst is yet to Come

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~Worst is yet to Come~

~Worst is yet to Come~

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Rachel in fact did not get better.

Rachel continued coughing and having fevers left and right. It seems as though all you can hear throughout the house were her usual coughs. The maids went in and out the room giving all types of medication but nothing seemed to stop her heavy coughs.

Persephone paced back and forth in front of mother's room as the doctor came around the second time to inspect what was going on. The first time he came around he believed it was nothing to worry about and she would be better in the next couple of days but it had just gotten worse.

Persephone stopped midway as she watched Margaret exit from her mother's room. "Any news?"

"He's still checking her."

Persephone sighed, continuing pacing in front of the door, biting her nails.

Margaret smacked Persephone's hand out of her mouth. "What did I tell you about biting your nails?"

"Sorry, it's a habit." Persephone replied, rubbing the spot where she was hit. "You know I bite my nails whenever I get nervous."

"Well, find another way to control your nerves." Margaret scolded the young teen. "Where is your father anyway?"

Persephone shrugged. "How should I know? It's not like we talk or anything."

"The nerve of that man." Margaret shook her head. "He should be here with his wife instead of doing god knows what."

Persephone could have cared less about her father but she did agree with Margaret. Francis should be present and be there for his wife. Ever since her mother had gotten sick, Francis has been more and more absent. 

He was no longer sleeping in the same room as her. Scared he'll end up having the same flu she has. If Francis wasn't in his office, he was out. There was always a rare occurrence to see the man in the house.

"You're right about that."

"At least your sister has come around."

Athena was just as hard headed as Persephone—if not more. But she had realized she had to put her differences aside and focus on what was important for this moment. Her mother was getting sick and nobody knew if she would make it or not. Instead of fighting, they had to come together and be there for their mother.

"Have you spoken to her?" Margaret asked, looking at Persephone.

"Only when we're in the same room as mother."

Truth be told Athena still was very upset with Persephone. Only speaking to her when she felt like it or whenever she was in the same room with their mother. 

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