Chapter Twelve

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Gabriel can be a dick.

What he did on my first day was enough to ruin my reputation, but that didn't stop him from calling me into his office every fucking day and I've already been working here for more than two months.

He usually doesn't have any legit reason to call me up, but he always does and everyone knows that he does yet there's nothing I can do about it.

I can only obey him since he's my boss and I don't want to lose my job, despite not liking the circumstances which I got them.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Hmm?" I ask Belle distractedly.

"Yeah, she's not listening to you," Marcus concludes.

Marcus is the man that told me to go on with my presentation on the first day. Luckily, he didn't have anything against me, so it was easy for us to become friends.

Apart from Belle and Marcus, there are two other people in our little group. One of them is Stacy, Belle's friend from another department. She's kind of a female tech bro down to the cute huge glasses on her face that are right below her fringe. The other part of her hair is usually in a ponytail and has blue tips.

She always goes full emo but tries to keep it formal, and today, she's wearing a black dress, black pantyhose, and black boots. I'm sure Gabriel doesn't care about her lack of professionalism because she's mostly in the shadows, writing codes and stuff.

The other is Nathaniel, who insists he's called Nathan. Nathan works in the Design department and met Marcus when they both came to be interviewed.

Seeing as both of them aren't in my department, they have no reason to hate me, so they don't.

"What are you thinking about?" Belle enquires and I open my mouth to answer when everywhere suddenly goes silent.

Confused by the sudden lack of noise, I turn around in my seat to see what's wrong and I have to hold back a scoff. Of course, it is him. He's the only one in this full company who has that kind of effect.

However, the cafeteria breaks out in whispers when they see an older man accompanying him. The older man has sharp green eyes that look like they can shoot lasers at anyone in their way. His hair is a mixture of brown and withering grey hair.

Gabriel locks eyes with me and I turn away before he can see the blush on my face. I still haven't forgotten that he called me special. Hell, he makes sure to remind me almost every day. It should be creepy, but it's actually kind of sweet.

"Why are you blushing?" Stacy teases, taking a huge bite of her apple as she waits for my answer.

I don't answer her. "Who's the other man?" I ask curiously, to no one in particular.

"Possibly your future father-in-law."

"W-what?" I shriek out.

Marcus shrugs innocently. "What? I was only stating a fact."

"Why would you think that?" I ask absentmindedly, stealing a look at the man next to Gabriel again. I end up seeing only his back as they both make their way into the kitchen. I huff in disappointment.

Marcus tsks. "And you wonder why I think that."

"You know we won't judge you if you're fucking the boss," Stacy comments nonchalantly, not minding that her voice is quite loud. "Besides, every other person wants to but doesn't have that opportunity. The man is like sex on legs."


My scolding doesn't deter her. "Come on. Admit it, he's hot as fuck, and that intimidating aura he has? Fuck me."

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