Chapter 1

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The sweet melody had me looking up from my sketches up to the woman playing. It had me entranced by the music and the song she played. I didn't know what it was about. It certainly wasn't in English, but I was sure I had heard it somewhere.

I looked round to see that bar was almost empty. People had almost deserted the place but still, a few sat enjoying the music. I wouldn't have been here too but having the affinity to prick my finger and sketch had me down here.

The music has pulled me in here and once I had sat down with a drink, I couldn't get up to leave. Music always calmed me.

I heard the song and without knowing I was humming the sweet melody too. It was beautiful and soothing just like a balm to the soul.

The pencil dropped from my hand as the words I thought registered in

A balm to the soul  A distant memory resurfacing.

"What are we listening to?" I asked Daniel as I put the record to play.

"You will like this, I promise," he patted the place next to him. "Just come and sit beside me," he added with a smile reaching his eyes. Returning his smile, I sat on the bed beside him. The sweet melody hit my ear. The soothing sound and every

"It's beautiful," I spoke as the song came to an end.

"Not more than you," he teased me with a smile making me blush. His fingers found mine interlacing them together. I couldn't believe that we had got married last week. There was nothing more I wanted than to be him. He loved me, and cared for me and that was all I wanted for him.

"This song is a balm to the soul for me," he added as his fingers played with mine as he got lost in a distant thought. I squeezed his hand to let him know that I was here. There was no need for him to remember the past.

"When the accident happened, I hit the bottom low. When the doctor delivered the news, I just wanted to break everything. All the days I had passed since then had been nothing but misery. I was being punished for someone else's mistake and it made me want to tear the world apart but this song calmed me. It was able to make me forget the pain I was drowning in," he gave me a sad smile looking at me as he spoke.

"How come? Tell me about what it tells because I think it's some other language," I couldn't even understand what it was but the melody was beautiful. It was hypnotic in a way. It just made me want to hear it again and again.

"Or is it in English and I can't understand it," I spoke in fake horror with a smile. However, deep inside of me I had this fear that he would laugh at my bear education. Unlike him who had gone to top universities of the world to study, I had barely passed high school, and that too with average grades. I was told that I was a slow learner.

He laughed wholeheartedly, drawing me from the thoughts I was almost getting lost in.

"No, it isn't," he brought my hand to his lips and gave it feather kisses making my heart flutter. The intimacy we shared was still new to me. Every touch of his made me feel as if this all was a dream to me.

"It talks about a distant world where there is love so pure that it cures everything. I lost myself in the lyrics and melody hoping one day I could have something like that. A love that could cure every inch of my soul and heart. The one that could take away my pain," he added as I moved closer to him wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"You took all of me away and made me all of yours," I smiled at him as I spoke the truth that I seemed was true.

"I was filled with so much pain and hurt that I wanted to hurt anyone and everyone that came close to me. There was this hatred inside me for this whole world, for myself, and for that stupid accident that took everything from me. Somedays I thought of just killing myself and getting out of this misery," he spoke with the pain still deep down in his voice. My heart ached for all he suffered.

It wasn't easy for me when I first met him. The hatred was in his words, bitter for being not allowed to do as he wished. The anger in those eyes burned brighter than anything. The pain forced him to be bitter toward everyone even his own parents and relatives. My heart will always ache for the misery he was in.

"But I'm glad I didn't because just like that song you are the balm to my soul," his eyes looked at me with nothing but love burning brighter. "If it wasn't for you, I would have died, Amelia," he spoke bringing his forehead closer to mine. My heartbeat rapidly as I heard those words. Every time he said them, all I could think was that this was a dream. That someone would burst my balloon of dream and I would be back to where I was. Begging for work and a place to sleep.

"You are my reason to live, to breathe, and get through every kind of pain. Without you I'm nothing," he kissed my forehead gently. "You are my everything," his lips moving down to my eyes.

"My love," he kissed my eyes and his lips trailed down to my nose. "My desire," another kiss on my nose before his lips hovered above mine.

"My only reason to live and wake up every day," his lips pressed over mine and I let myself down in his kiss. I got lost in his touch and we spent the day embraced in each other's arms.

The distant memory of him did nothing to help me. It was a memory of nothing but love. Pure love was what I had thought it to be but it wasn't that. The naive me had considered it to be true love but it wasn't. True love was able to have fought everything. I married a man all because of love and that love destroyed me. He killed me from the inside. That love took everything from me.

No, I won't go back down that path again. I didn't want to remember all of that had happened. Four years have passed and I didn't want to ruin my present because of all of this. Not my holidays especially.

It had been too long since I had taken off from work and I didn't want to spend the time thinking about the past I had left behind. I had come a lot forward from it. I will have to fight those memories from resurfacing.

Looking back at the various sketches in front of me I looked at the beautiful pieces that once done would attract everyone. It was almost complete. I looked at all the beautiful details in it.

Some people bought them to show their love others wanted to just show off how deep their pockets went.

"I knew I would find you here." I looked up to see who it was as the person slid into the seat in front of me.

"Lucien," I said surprised at seeing him here and having him find me even here.


I have my fingers crossed and I really hope you like it.

I just wanted to give a gist of the past love that she shared with the man I will be bringing in a lot in the next chapter.

I really hope I'm doing a good job at this writing. I really hope you would let me know whether I'm doing a good job at it or not.

Please comment! Vote and please share. I have my fingers crossed and really hope that you would all help me.

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