. 2

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Ofcourse. She knew this would happen again, that she would hurt herself all over again. It always did, always does.
Her and her boyfriend and their dealer along with a few other friends all sat at the park, smoking and drinking, normal right? Yeah normal. Everything was fine, everyone left but her, her partner, and their dealer, eventually her boyfriend had passed out on her lap, he was wasted. She knew he never knew how to stop. So there they sat, him asleep on her lap, and her sitting there talking with their dealer, who happened to be a lovely friend of theirs, yet thats when things went south, her boyfriend awoke and leaned over, vomiting to her right side, she slowly pulled him up with her, avoiding the vile substance while trying to get him up. Eventually her and the dealer dragged him back to her house where her friend awaited, the girl also brought back a full bottle of vodka and a couple beers. Not surprising, she normally brought something back If they didn't drink or smoke it all.
Well that night she shouldn't have.
Her and her boyfriend had a rocky evening before he went home, he was a needy drunk and kept being rude, and when he started getting sober he got rude, just snappy and such, and demanding, she knew he did this but for some reason it upset her this time. Eventually he went home, they drove him home, she didn't quite remember what all happened after that, all she knew was she was on a mission to finish that vodka, knowing full and well it would seriously harm her, she had been drinking all day, and the nights before, she wasn't stupid, she woke up still tipsy that morning and even kept drinking, she had an obvious issue. And that night she was gonna be brought to that realization, something had happened, she didn't remember what but something between her and her boyfriend, so there she sat with her best friend. On the sofa in her room, bottle of vodka between them both tipsy, passing and sipping, now the girl had drank most of the vodka, her friend wasn't one for drinking that much, eventually the girl drank almost all of the bottle, even after her friend tried to stop her.
The girl knew what she wanted, she wanted to drown herself in liquor, she was upset. And she had access to hard liquor. It was never a good mix with her and everyone knew that. Yet there she sat, her friend worried and quite literally sick from drinking as the girl layed on her back, choking on blood and vomit, luckily the friend flipped her over. That night was a wild ride though, and a painful one. The whole night the girl was coughing up blood and liquor, she had failed at making herself quite literally drown to death in said liquor, thanks to the friend. But she was still dealing with the aftermath.
Alcohol poisoning.
That whole night, and the next morning she was throwing up bloody vomit. And the week following she was coughing up blood. Her boyfriend, she didn't even know if he was concerned with her nearing her death that night. Yes it sounds ridiculous the girls aware of that, but if you were in her skin you'd know how close she was.
Yet her boyfriend didn't seem to care that much? Even after he was the one that upset her so dearly.
So there she sat, even more upset. And sick.
She was hurt, constantly she was hurt.
She didn't know if she could blame it on the boy or herself? Who knows. All she knew was, hurt. She was HURT.
And it felt like nobody quite cared, really she wishes they did. So that following week she sat there and thought about how hurt she was, and how she had been hurt, who had hurt her. Eventually one thing led to another, and that following week of her coughing up blood she was with her friend and her family,  full blown manic yet aware of what she had been doing kind of.
She had been thinking on it for a while and she knew what she had to do, and she knew she wouldn't ever try this again and gather up this courage again, so she sat with her friend who was like a sister, on the phone, with cps.
Now this may seem random from the girl, but little knew how her home life was...

When the girl was younger, she was abused, mentally, physically, sexually. All by her mother, the girl never understood why. The abuse continued, it regressed into just mental abuse for a while, and then later grew into physical abuse as well. The girl knew that she had to get out, she had this plan for quite some time as well, yet she never would've thought she would have executed it. Yet she did.

Which ofcourse was a wild ride.
To cut things short she got placed with her parents again, despite all the evidence against her mother. And now she was confined to the house.
And ofcourse, all of this just caused issues with her and her boyfriend.
She loved him to death but it was so difficult when he was so upset with her helping herself. Even if the help didn't work.
It caused so many issues, and so much pain. They fought a lot after that, and she was stuck to her house, she couldn't leave, so it caused more issues, they couldn't go do things and she knew that woukd be difficult for him.
Yet she made it work, for some time.
But it was still hurting her. She was still hurt, and she was still harming him.

// if you have yet to notice, this story is very messy, but all of it ties together somehow, the main focus right now would be romance and issues with it as we can see though //

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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