Chpater 11: downhill

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We walked into the room and set our cases down

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We walked into the room and set our cases down.

"You can take the first shower" he said to which I nodded.

I pulled open my suitcase before pulling out a black vest top and leggings. I grabbed some soaps and some fresh underwear.

My underwear was red lace and when I turned to head to the bathroom I saw Valentino tense at the sight, before clearing his throat and looking down at his phone.

At least I can find some comfort in the fact this sleeping situation would effect him as much as it would me.

We kissed, it meant nothing to him, and it meant something to me and I was just going to have to deal with it.

Rejection always has a sting but it hurt that little bit more coming from him, but I would get over it eventually, it was only one kiss.

It wasn't like we were in a relationship or something.

We haven't even had sex.

I shook my head before standing up and making my way into the bathroom.

I took a long warm shower and changed.

I love that clean design after showering and changing into some fresh warm clothes.

While Valentino was in the shower I dried my hair and tied it into a sleek ponytail on top of my head.

The door clicked open and Valentino stood  with a towel round his waist. Water dripping from his wet hair and travelling down his firm chest before disappearing into the towel.

"Eyes up here Chiara".

I shook my head "sorry" I muttered turning away from the Greek god standing in front of me as a light shade of pink tinted my cheeks.

We both changed and sat down to go over the plan once more, the close proximity still made me slightly nervous after seeing how he looked in only a towel.

"We will meet my men there, the bomb needs to be on the middle floor, my men will take the bottom, I'll take the middle and activate the bomb and you'll be on the top floor".

I nodded as Valentino continued speak.

"There will be men everywhere so make sure your alert, I will send some of my men to the top with you also".

After going through the all of the details of the plan we checked ti time to see it was now 3pm.

It would take 45 minutes to get there ans we needed to leave in an hour.

We started getting ready checking our weapons were loaded and in check.

I put 2 guns in my waist hand, and added my thigh strap with 3 knifes. I slipped a knife into each shoe before adding an arm strap with extra bullets if needed.

I pulled in some fingerless leather gloves to help with my grip before stuffing my phone into my pocket.

"You ready" I looked up too see Valentino putting another gun into his waistband.

I nodded and we both headed to the car.

It was 5pm by the time we arrived, yet it wasn't too dark as the end of winter was nearing.

We parked the car around the corner from the base where 6 Suv's full of Valentino's men were already parked.

We waited an hour before Theo notified that all the cameras were disabled, signalling that we could go in.

Valentino passed me an ear piece which I activated and pushed in my ear before men spilled out of the cars and we all headed towards the wearhouse.

Roughly 20 men stood outside on guard and were all shot down immediately, damn these men knew what they were doing.

We all piled into the wear house and bullets were coming from every direction, and we were all dodging left, right and centre.

When I located the stairs we made our way up, Valentino and a few men stopping in the floor below.

Me and four other men continued to the top.

Bring it on you Russian Bitches.

I burst through the doors and ran in shooting at the men inside.

There was roughly about 30 men.

I continued to shoot along with the now three men that came up with me, making sure to count every shot so I know when I need to reload.

I man came by to my side and I pulled out my knife plunging it into his neck, still shooting with my gun.

Another one of our men were killed and there was now me and two others, but still about 20 of them.

I took cover behind a wall and reloaded my gun.

We continued to shoot before another  of our men got shot and killed, what the fuck did he do, send me up with the weakest links?!

I pulled out from the wall and shot down another 3 men.

The fight continued and by the time all of the men were taken down I was the only one still standing.

Yep definitely sent me up with the weakest link.

The kiss meant nothing but I thought my life was a little more valuable then this.

I noticed a door and walked over to it entering the room. The door shut behind me and as I walked in a felt a sharp pain in my thigh, a man jumped up at me and i quickly bounced back as he started to swinging his knife at me.

I dodged all his swings ignoring the pain from where he just sliced my thigh.

I kicked my foot into his chest sending him back, he through his knife as he fell, I pushed my arm up to knock it out if the way and I felt it cut my arm as I did so.

I hissed from the instant pain but quickly got over it.

"All good up there?" Valentino's harsh voice came out through the ear piece. He was panting slightly, I'm guessing from all of the moving around.

"Yeah all good, down there?"

"Yes 3 more men to go and will be ready"He spoke again

"Good,also the men you sent up are dead" I let him know before putting a bullet in the man's head below me.

I scanned my surrounding and it seemed to be some sort of office.

I rummaged through all the draws until a came across one with a lock on it.

I shot the lock before pulling the draw out revealing a small USB stick.

As I grabbed the stick I heard Valentino's voice again "bomb activated, 3 minutes, meet me outside"

"On my way" I replied as I caught my breath.

I walked over to pull on the door but It didn't open.
I searched for a lock but couldn't find one anywhere
"Shit"  I Muttered

"What's happened?" Valentino asked

"I'm locked in a fucking room up here"

I kicked the door multiple times, but to no use.

For Fuck sake.

I continued to kick at the door, over and over but it didn't budge once.


I am well an truly fucked.

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