32. just friends?

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Lewis was pissed. Delilah could feel his hold tightening by the second. She knew why. Of course they weren't just friends. They weren't in a relationship either but they were definitely not friends.
The driver was dragging her through the Motor home and to his driver's room. Delilah was rolling her eyes. She could follow him without being forced to.

When they finally reached the room, after being stopped by Angela who was instantly hugged by Delilah, Lewis pushed her inside. She turned around.

"What fuck was that? All you had to do was ask me to come with you to your room! No need to drag me around like I'm a ragdoll débile!"

"So... We just friends now?" Lewis smirked, ignoring her previous statement.

"Fuck off..."

"Answer me Delilah," Lewis was getting closer and Delilah was struggling to think about an answer.

"Of course we're only friends... What else could we be?" Lewis reached behind her and locked the door. Delilah's back was pressed against said door and the man was standing really close to her.

"We're not friends Deli... And you know that" she gulped. "How could we be friends when your body react the way it does the moment I do that" he said while his fingers were grazing her arm. 

She shivered. Fuck. Her body seemed quite happy to remind her of the effect he had on her. Looking up, she saw his smirk. Of course he noticed, he always did.

"How could we be friend when I can feel your heartbeat going crazy when I touch you here." 

His hand was now against her throat. Delilah couldn't form a sentence. 

"How could we be friends, when I know you want to kiss me just as much as I want to kiss you." 

She knew he was right. God he was so right. This has been the only thing on her mind for the past month. She often found herself thinking of him, his lips on hers, on her neck, on her. She had tried to push down this feeling, but now, all her effort were shattered by the few words leaving Lewis' mouth.

Delilah looked at him getting closer to her, his eyes staring at her lips.

"Lewis... We can't, " she whispered

"Why?" his voice not higher than hers.

"People will hate me..." she answered in a breath.

"Fuck them. They don't get to tell me who I want to be with, who I love"

Delilah stared at him in shock. His voice was soft and his hand was now caressing her jawline.
"Who you love?" He nodded.

"We're not friends, we could never be friends... I love you too much to just be friends with you."

"I don't think I could be just friends with you either," she replied.

It was all that was needed. Lewis smiled at her before getting even closer to her. His lips hovered over hers and she closed the gap.
The kiss was passionate. It was six months of bottled up emotions. Delilah hands reached the back of his neck and her fingers grazed the area, earning her a soft moan from the man. She smiled into the kiss : she knew him too well. Lewis' hands were on her waist, pressing her against him until there was no space at all between their bodies.

It was only when a knock on the door was heard that they both stopped. They looked at each other in shock before hearing Toto from the other side of the door.

"I have Charles and Pierre in front of the hospitality... They want to see Delilah. So Lewis, stop monopolizing her! I don't want a Ferrari and Alpha Tauri lingering in here!"

"I'm coming Toto, just give me two minutes"

They heard him grunt before he finally left.
The two lovers turned toward each other and laughed. Lewis pulled her closer and kissed her once again. Delilah pushed him away after responding to the kiss.

"I think I have to go... I don't want Toto to kill someone..."

"Sure, go ahead"

Delilah smiled and kissed him one last time before leaving the room.

When she found the two boys, they immediately started laughing at her. She started at them confused before Charles said.

"Delilah! I guess you had a good time with your friend?" she furrowed her eyebrows and turned to Pierre.

"Si tu te posais la question sache que ton rouge à lèvre n'est pas sans transfert..." oh fuck.


The wags <3 (+Flo bc I have gossip)

Delilah! You have some explaining to do!

I agree!

What is happening?

Delilah is going to explain!

Putain... Ils pouvaient pas la fermer pour une fois ?
Yeah so basically, Lewis and I kissed...

Girl... We want details...

I second that!

I third that!

So, basically, in an interview I said we were just friends, he heard it, he was pissed, he basically told me he loved me (ish) and we kissed!


How was it?!

Really good... Like... I fucking missed him!

I'm so happy for you!

I have something else...

Did you have sex?

Why do you always think about that Charlotte?
No we didn't!

Honestly... You could have...

Anyway! Back to the subject!
I'm so sorry Flo... But when I went to see Daniel... He was with this redhead girl, Emma... And he said she was his girlfriend...

I knew it but fuck

I'm so sorry flo

He doesn't know what he's missing...

i miss you, i'm sorry - lewis hamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now