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Tim Drake / Red Robin's POV

I couldn't help but comparing the two. They were both big parts of my life.

Stephanie had been my best friend before we dated. We were partners in crime, we could understand each other on a level that no one else could. But we also ignored each other's vices, not knowing how to cope.

It grew toxic.

Stephanie did her best to help me, but would stay up with me as I struggled to sleep, trying to distract me instead. Anything to escape the nightmares that plagued me at night.

We broke up, and that was for the best. Sometimes, you'll just grow out of it. It's not healthy to hold onto the past.

Chloe, she was different. She forced me to go to bed, to rest, and I was calm around her.

I wonder if it's because Stephanie was a hero like me, and Chloe, my haven. She was my escape from all the stresses of my life. I could just be me with her.

I didn't have to be a hero, a boss, a brother, etc. etc. I just had to be Tim.

But I was running out of excuses to go visit the New York branch of Wayne Industries. Luckily, no one paid attention, because I came back more rested than usual and all of the attention was being hogged by Damian, as usual.

But I would tell Chloe, about my double life, one day.

She deserved the truth from me.

I snapped out of my day dreaming was I was on campus. It was empty, which felt eerie for the summer months.

I parked my motorcycle out of the way, and ran towards the main buildings.

I shot my grapple gun to the roof, where I would sneak in through the vents.

I got a notification from Spoiler.

Plan 87C?

I grinned. I could use a challenge this week.


I sneak in through the vents, while Spoiler finds her way in through the natural skylight. I watch down at the room, waiting for the perfect moment to drop down and start rescuing the hostages.

She crashes down, the distraction to our plan. The students of Gotham University have already pressed them selves against the walls, so no one is hurt-yet.

"Wow, I thought that evil never sleeps, but I never thought you would be motivated enough to go back to school, Riddler." Spoiler taunts the villain.

"Sometimes, we aren't the products of our parents, and sometimes we are, wouldn't you agree?" The Riddler taunts back, and Stephanie turns as white as a ghost. He knows. He knows her secret identity.

"Which is why I'm here to stop people like you," she says assertively, while I carefully get out of the vent. I walk across the beams of the high ceiling, unnoticed. I drop down, a picture perfect landing, one that Dick would be jealous of. I start untying the president of the University, and he jumps a little, until he realizes what's happening.

Unfortunately, as usual, there's a wretch thrown into our plan.

The fashion instructor sprints from backstage, followed by two of the Riddler's henchmen.

Tears are streaming down her face, and the Riddler is annoyed by it. He grabs the pulpit, and throws it towards the woman. Spoiler leaps, and pushes the woman out of the way, sacrificing herself.

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