Chapter 3

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The frigid wind ruffles my coat and a shiver spider-walks down my spine. Snow floats down from the darkening grey, cloudy sky, peppering my red hair. The night will soon fall. Ice coats the balcony railing and the cold sting grounds me in reality as I stare out at the vast sea of Edward's soldiers below. They stand in formation, humming the war cry Edward has asked the trainer to teach them.

From my high vantage point, the soldiers are only specks. Good. Means I can't see him.

A chunk of ice breaks away from the railing and falls onto the terrace below. I glance up, staring into the distance. Across the river and into the Convex Sector, I can almost see Aston's village by the farms. My palms sweat despite the cold. Images of his convulsions from months before flash across my mind and I close my eyes, swallowing the lump in my throat. He's okay now. I must remind myself of that far too often.


I jump, whirling around and gritting my teeth. "I can think of ten other people I'd rather have a drink with, Edward."

His smile falters. He lowers the bottle of wine and tilts his head, stepping out from the shelter of the room and onto the terrace. Snowflakes almost blend into his hair. He pulls his forest green coat around him tighter and pulls a goblet from his pocket. "I don't think you truly wish to be alone, Elle."

He pours the sparkling wine into the goblet and hands it to me, anyway. Then he pulls another from his other pocket and pours himself a glass.

"I suppose my options for company are fairly limited," I say, holding my glass out. "Thanks to you."

He clinks his against mine and quirks a brow. "You made your choices."

I take a long sip of the wine, enjoying the bubbling on my tongue. "Choices? More like forced into situations against my will?"

He smiles into his glass. "Oh, come on. I think you can agree we are friends now."

I let out a dry laugh and shake my head. "Not even close, Edward. I don't like you much, I'm afraid."

He places a hand over his heart, feigning offence. But I catch the glint of true hurt in his eyes. "But I'm his brother. Am I not?"

"Half-brother," I remind him, waggling my finger.

The wind sings and the soldiers below hit the butt of their staffs into the stone ground. The intense crack makes me shudder. They disperse, heading around the palace to the warehouse in the back.

"The better brother," he says, smirking.

I roll my eyes and down the rest of the wine in one gulp. At least the alcohol will help me sleep tonight. "I disagree."

"Big day tomorrow," he says, sipping his wine. His green eyes are piercing against the grey backdrop of the sky, and they roam my face.

"And my first night in an actual bed," I say, my voice drenched in sarcasm.

"Would you rather return to the dungeon?" He leans against the railing, raising his brows. "Fine by me."

I click my tongue. "I'll take the bed. As long as it's in the wing furthest from you."

He sighs, pressing his lips together, and tilting the lip of the goblet towards me. "Maybe one day I'll no longer be your punching bag."

Then he skulks off the balcony, and back into the living room. "Prove to me you're it," I snap.

He whips around and marches back up to me, sticking his mouth near my ear. "You will want to be my friend one day, Elle." His voice scrapes against my eardrums. He draws back. "Goodnight."

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