A Cursed Mirror

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I woke up at 5:34 AM. Exactly. I didn't know why. I then saw a tall mirror in front of my bed.

My reflection startled me. I then get up from my bed, and turn on the light in confusion. I inspect the mirror, and I conclude... It's a mirror.

I turned the light off, and tried to move the mirror, until my arm just went back on its side. I get confused, so I try to move the mirror off my wall, but my body is just frozen.

My reflection moves to the left, and then I move to the left. I got scared, but then my reflection makes me walk closer to the mirror, face nearly squished onto it.

I then feel myself being pulled into... I don't know... I feel onto my carpet floor. I then get up without my own command. I then look behind me. I still see my reflection.

My reflection then walks away. I just race out of my room, only to find my door is locked. I try the window, it's locked too.

I then realize... My reflection walked out of the room... Does that mean I'm the reflection?! My reflection then walks back to me. He has holds my phone, which makes me hold my phone too.

He then calls 911 on MY phone, making me call it too. My reflection then reports a murder that they commited, which sounds like ME.

My reflection stands there, staring out me knowing what he's doing. After hours of standing, the police arrive. They burst into my room.

My reflection does a dangerous expression, and jumps at the police officer. They wanted death, so I would feel it too.

I fall onto the ground, like my reflection. However, I didn't get shot, so I'm paralyzed. The wound or pain wasn't there, but wait...

I look out the mirror. I see it got cracked by the bullet. I felt myself fall apart, literally as the mirror shattered. I was then back into the real world, but I was paralyzed, and torn apart into multiple pieces.

I saw my reflections body being dragged away as I'm here, hopeless, on the ground. My face wouldn't let me express anything. I just looked and breathed.

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