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After a while of cuddling and chuckling, Jeongin sobered and asked:

'What does that mean though? How does this work?'

'Oh, Felix, would you be ok with us doing a little game of Q&A? Because I think all of us have some questions', Chan suggested.

I nodded.

'Okay, how about we each ask one thing then move on? Doesn't have to be too much for the first time. Guys, remember to be respectful and Felix, you can say if you don't want to answer something or stop the game.'

'Alright, daddy Chan. You start.'

Jisung earned a slap on the back of his head for the nickname. After a moment of consideration, Chan proceeded to ask the first question:

'We just used Felix all the time. Is that alright or do you want to change your name?'

'I think I'll keep Felix. I'm comfortable with it. Thank you for asking that...'

Minho spoke next.

'What about pronouns? Will you change them?'

I hesitated before nodding, but just a second.

'I'll use they/them as pronouns. That're the common gender neutral pronouns. You use it for example like Felix is an idol. They are incredibly talented in dancing and singing. Their group Stray kids is the bestest kpop group ever.

'So we talk about you like you're multiple persons?'

I snorted. 'Yeah, that's it. I'm three dogs in a trenchcoat.'

'Cats' Minho corrected.

We had to laugh.

'Okay, alright, I think we'll manage that.' Chan nodded. 'Who's next?'

'I am.' Jisung put his hand up as if we were in school. 'Do you want the staff to know? Or ... Which pronouns should we use around the staff?'

I was silent a moment. 'I actually haven't thought about that yet. But I guess I'll come out to the staff as soon as possible. They already know everything about us anyways. Plus, they're under contract. So then you can use they/them around them as well.'

'Just be careful with cameras - you know the game.' Chan sighed. 'This shouldn't get public before Felix is absolutely ready for it.'

'I don't know if I'll ever be ready for that.'

After a short thoughtful silence, Hyunjin spoke up.

'I don't think I've fully grasped this nonbinary thing yet. Is it like a third gender?'

'No, no, not really. It's an umbrella term for all gender identities that aren't a hundred percent man or woman. It's not one third gender, it's a whole range of identities. You could be a bit of both man and woman, or sometimes this, sometimes that or something else entirely. Or all the things between.'

At their quizzical looks I could see that they couldn't quite follow me.

I sighed. It wasn't that complicated, but I guess for an outsider it could be quite confusing.

'Okay I read about a nice theory on tumblr I think. Listen' And I launched into explaining.

'Imagine every gender identity as a colour. You have for example yellow as the female identity and red as the male one. In our binary conservative world, people are convinced that just red and yellow exist. But there are so much more colours of course.

You have for instance orange: it's a mix between yellow and red, thus a bit of both identities combined. Yet you don't have a single orange tone but different shades as well - sometimes more red, sometimes more yellow.

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