Chapter XV

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"No!!!" I yelled while falling out of my bed and landing on the wooden floor. I slowly pushed myself up and sat on my bed while staring blankly at the wall.

"Was it all a bad dream...?" I told myself it was all just a dream, but it felt real. To real. Maybe It's just my odd imagination? Now that I think about it, could this also be a dream? I felt like I have done the same thing over and over.

"...No, there's no way that this is a dream. If it then my-" Just as I was about to say it, my silent room was now filled with the sound of my bedside clock. I couldn't help but stare at it with shock and disbelief.

"The clock... It goes off at the same time, every time... Does this mean that this is a dream...?"

Deciding that I wasn't gonna get anywhere by sitting here, not only that, but I'm also going to be late for work! I quickly got up while turning off my clock and changed into my work clothes, and walked out of my apartment. However, as I waited for my bus, an annoying thought came to mind: If this was a dream, would I still meet a person on the bus?





"Yes, I did meet someone on a bus," I thought to myself as my attention span was slipping in and out of reality. And now I feel like this strange person is following me, as he was currently speaking to me. He said that his name is John Doe, but is that his actual name? And why do I feel like I've heard that name so many times? He asked me if I was doing anything after work, but I said no. It's not like I have a reason to lie, plus I don't have the energy to do so.

Then we meet again as I got off work and waited for my bus. He just appeared out of nowhere, scared the shit of me! We made some small talk until he asked if he could come home with me. I of course said no, saying that we don't know each other, but John says that we do know each other. I couldn't be around him any longer than I already had. So the second the bus came, I quickly got on and took a sit. I didn't even know if he was following me, but I couldn't bring myself to find out.

Once the bus has reached my stop, I quickly got off and made a mad dash to my apartment. When I got inside, I felt somewhat safe again and now my stomach is telling me to eat. I do feel hungry, but that John guy put me through such an amount of stress that it just puts me off on the idea of eating.

"I think I'll just try to relax and watch tv before bed," I said while sitting down on the couch and turning on the tv. After a couple of minutes of pleasant silence, I suddenly feel a lot calmer than before. However, that didn't last long.

"What are you watching?" Asked an unwanted and familiar voice.

"How did you get into my house?!" I exclaimed while jumping up from my couch and staring at him wide-eyed.

"The door was unlocked."

"What?! I'm pretty sure I locked it. I think..."

"Can I stay?" He asked me, but just as I was about to say something, he cut me off.

"Actually, I'll choose for you. I know you want me to stay. Forever, and ever." John says as he has gotten dangerously close to me, it made me back up against the wall. While watching him with fear as he was repeating ever over and over again. The stress had come back, and before I know it, I passed out.




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