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A l e x a n d e r

I was still sleeping when I felt some movement beside me, under the covers. Peeping through my half open eyelids, I saw Kiara sneaking into our covers at the break of the dawn. Thank God Amayra and I weren't naked.

I made a mental note to always wear clothes at night. Atleast with Kiara around.

I noticed how she pulled Amayra's hand out of the cover and climbed up to rest her face between her blossoms. Not her mistake, those are really soft and comforting.

I watched the mother daughter duo slip into peaceful slumber in each other's presence. I softly caressed their hairs and pressed my lips on their forehead.

Trying not to wake them up, I got out of the covers and then the room to see a really messed up living room. Doctor sets and baby instruments were scattered all around the room.

I sighed and got back to cleaning the room. This is what happens when you have a 6 year old living with you. But I would trade what we have right now for anything in this world.

After all, this was the happy ending I wanted.

T h i r d    P e r s o n

Amayra and Alexander soon finished the legal procedures and introduced Kiara as their daughter to the world. Except the Smiths and the orphanage care taker, the adoption was kept a secret for the rest of the world.

Mr. Williamson divorced Sarah for good and passed on the company to Ava. He then decided to distract himself with some religious preachings.

James and Sophia Smith retired from their position in the business world, passing down the company to Ethan. Other assests were equally distributed among the Smith brothers.

Ethan and Ava shifted to London after Ava delivered a healthy pair of twin boys. The boys kept James and Sophia quite busy. On every other auspicious occasions and family gatherings, the boys impatiently waited for Kiara.

Aunt Malisa on the other hand had to extend her stay at the Asylum. Her unhealthy unhappy married life took a heavy troll on her mental health. Later, she wrote a letter to Alexander apologizing and telling how much he regrets doing what she did. She believed she was mentally unfit to be a good mother and probably that's the reason Karma took her biological rights as a mother away. 

Dr. Robert filed and freed Malisa after his medical license got cancelled. Even though he couldn't practice anymore, he learnt from his mistakes and later became a high school teacher for survival. He remarried to the love of his life and had his happily ever after.

Alexander Smith became a legendary singer in the history of Hollywood. Amayra continued her practice as a pediatrician. She later invested her finances to open an orphanage on dedicated to her late mother. Kiara grew up to suggest Amayra on the betterment of the orphanage.

All in all, Alexander and Amayra had their share of happy and healthy ending.

The end.

Thank you so much for reading this book untill the end.

I never really planned on the plots and the chapters were really random to be honest.

I just wanted to know more about how Wattpad functions for writers. And being the first book, I think its a disaster.

I am planning to share some well planned, well plotted, well executed and well written plots really soon.

Till then, Adiéus.


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