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yuna presses the green button the moment mingi's name appears on her screen and takes a deep breath as she listens to what she assumes is the car door closing.

"yuna, you there?" she nods at his question before remembering he couldn't see her.

"y-yeah, i'm here," she cries. she'd been crying since she woke up at least an hour and a half ago and her entire body was shaking with fear, "mingi, i'm scared. i'm so scared."

"i know you're scared," mingi sighs at the sound of her voice, his own breaking in panic, "you're going to be fine. everything is going to be okay. we're on our way now, we won't be long."

a sob shakes her body as she tries to listen for any sign that the man was outside her window. a creak of the fire escape, a footstep, a tap on the glass. "i don't know what he wants from me." she whispers, eyes darting around her room for any sign that he was in there.

"i know, baby. we're on our way now though," as they were speaking, yunho was racing through the streets at a speed that was on the very edge of being illegal, "do you want to look or do you want to wait for us?"

yuna lets out a heavy breath while her fingers nervously begin to pick at the skin on her lips. "i don't know," she whispers, "if he's outside now and i look he might tell me what he wants but, if he knows you guys have come, he might leave and come back when you're not here."

if you were to ask mingi, almost every word leaving the girl's mouth was difficult to believe. how is it possible that this creep first appeared in her dreams and only now is turning up in the real world? how has she not seen him before in real life? she must have seen him at some point - a passing face at the mall, another customer in a cafe - she had to have seen him.

"it's up to you, nana. i can't make that decision for you," he glances over at wooyoung who was beside him, listening to their conversation carefully, "but i'm here for you. everyone is here for you."

the other end of the line goes silent for around a minute before yuna finally makes a decision. "i'm going to look. now."

mingi's eyes go wide as he looks at the rest of the boys. they were all listening to the conversation and as the words left the girl's mouth the air in the van seemed to get heavier.

"okay. just talk to me, okay? tell me what's happening."

"okay..." some odd noises sound from the phone before it sounds like she had placed it on a hard surface, "i'm opening the curtains."

time seemed to slow down as yuna's heavy breaths are the only thing coming through the phone's speaker.

"yuna?" yunho calls from the front seat.

"oh my god... he's- he's right th-there," the boys look around in shock and fear as yuna whispers almost silently.

"what? what do you mean right there?"

"he's right- fuck. he's right in front of me. he's staring right fucking at me, mingi." her breathing quickens and becomes audibly shaky. a hoarse whisper sounds from the phone, "he's on my fire escape."

"close the curtains, yuna! we just got to your building and we're coming now! close the curtains!" mingi hangs up as they all run into the building, passing the night guards quickly once they'd seen mingi and he told them that yuna may be in danger.

they arrive at her floor, seonghwa and hongjoong already waiting at the door.

"why aren't you guys inside?" yeosang asks, slightly out of breath.

"we've been here for ten minutes, banging on the door but, she hasn't answered. we don't know her code so we just waited for you." hongjoong explains. seonghwa was too busy banging on the door and calling out for the girl.

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