How can it?

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"Looks like we are trapped in here!"

"Kufufufu there may still be a way. Rimuru sama my attack earlier was not ranged so far as to burn away the forest till the horizon. Even if we assume by chain reaction, all the tress in the forest caught fire, it still seems too soon for the entirety of the forest to vanish."

"Hmm so what are you getting at?"

"It means that the entire land was not covered with forest, that is, its more like we are seeing a repetition of a same section of land again and again. So as soon as that section burnt away, the entire forest burnt away"

"Well that seems very possible, that's the only explanation that seems possible for our current situation" said guy

"Right. Nice job diablo! "

"Kufufu my pleasure rimuru sama."

  "Looks like this is a job for Dino then. Dino. Teleport as far away as you can and find the end point"

"Right. Let me get this over with as soon as I can"

With that, he teleported to the horizon, that is, the end point of one patch, waved at the others who waved him back, and then came back.

"So that is the end point. So listen here guys. The most probable explanation to me seems that we are in a 3D hologram, and just like a normal 2D one we need to destroy the projector to get out of here." explained Rimuru

"Hoho looks like some of your otherworlder stuff. Alright then so how are we gonna find it?" asked guy

"Since it was still not destroyed with diablo's attack, it seems like it is not in the air at least. We need to check underground" replied leon

"Then that seems like a job for me" said Dagruel

With that, he took a stance, and punched the ground with all his strength, and kept punching, and punching. It began to form cracks everywhere, and eventually led to large splits in the ground. In a matter of a few seconds, the terrain was totally changes, with large cliffs forming somewhere, deep trenches elsewhere, just utter chaos. And then with a final punch from dagruel, leading to a huge tremor, there was finally a loud exploding noise heard, and cracks began to appear everywhere in the sky, as if the sky itself was a ceiling which was crumbling down. And soon they were no more on that piece of ashen land, but were standing on solid, paved ground. Surrounding them on all 4 sides were broken buildings and remains.

"Looks like we came out of there."

"Right. Where are we now? Looks like some kind of ruins."

"Hmm Ramiris. Just use your haki to see if there is anyone nearby."

"Right. There is no one alive in 500 meter radius from here. I will tell you if anyone enters my fiels of haki" replied ramiris

"Well it seems like there used to be an ancient city here. Do you think this may have any connection to the void century?" asked luminas

"Well we will only find out by going further ahead." replied guy

And then they went deeper and deeper in the ruins, inspecting everything on the way.

"Anyone find anything yet?" asked rimuru


"nothing here as well"

"Looks like these are just ordinary ruins afterall" said guy, being unable to find anything even after an hour of searching.

Suddenly there is a cracking noise. 

"What was that?" 

"lets see" and then they all rushed towards the source of noise, but were unable to see anything out of ordinary.

"Ramiris are you sure there is no one alive near us?" asked leon

"Hai hai I m constantly detecting living creatures with my haki, but can't sense anyone." 

"Not even any movements?"

"Nope. No movements out of ordinary"

"Well then lets just be on our guard. We don't know what may come next." 

This way they continued to move forward while being cautious. Upon reaching further, they came across a strange rock, with some strange symbols engraved on it. 

"No wonder its unreadable to us" said guy

"Of course. It is always like this." sighed leon

"Hey Rimuru can't you translate this for us?" asked Dagruel

"What? You think I m able to read it?" retorted Rimuru

"Don't play dumb now. We all know you are able to do that just fine with that op skill of yours" said luminas

"Right. That may be the case. But if I start using my skills, there will be no fun left for us. Do you all want that?" replied rimuru

"Right you got a point. But I don't think it will be that big of a deal if you just use it to translate these" said guy

"Well I suppose that's true. Ok then I will translate these Lets at least try to find out a way ourselves first. I will translate them if we can't find anything in the end" said Rimuru

"That's fair I guess. Let's go with that" agreed leon

"Moreover it seems like this is just a broken part of a bigger structure, by the shape of it. So the message written on it will be incomplete as well." pointed dagruel

"DAGRUEL! JUMP! RIGHT NOW!" shouted Dino suddenly, and as if on impulse, Dagruel reacted by jumping as high as he could. 

The next moment he sees the ground on which he was standing, was there no more, and from its place a large golem-like creature emerged. Dagruel jumped just in time to avoid a direct hit from the golem's fist.

"Thanks Dino I owe you one" said Dagruel as he landed down

"What the hell? How come it came so close to us without any of us noticing?" asked luminas

"Ramiris were you not able to detect this golem until now?" asked guy

"Until now? I can't detect this golem with haki even now! Its like it is there but it isn't there at all at the same time!" replied ramiris half confused by her own words

"What about the rest of you?" asked guy

"No luck here too guy. Looks like this golem somehow manages to remain undetected from haki" replied rimuru

"Alright then lets see how it handles this!" shouted Dagruel, and launched at the golem head on

"Wait! I wanna have some fun too!" chimed in milim and rushed towards it too.

"Don't leave me behind!" said veldora, and followed suit.

"Alright then. Lets leave this to them and-" before Rimuru could finish, suddenly several more golems emerged from all around them, encircling them completely.

"Well that escalated quickly"

"Looks like we are going to have some fun too" said guy in excitement

"Right. Lets go all out" said leon

"Kufufufu I just hope these things don't die from my flames instantly" 

"Well they managed to get past our haki and swarm us. We should expect that they are going to be very strong. Don't underestimate them" said Rimuru

"Right. Let the fun begin!"

Author's note: Will be on break again now. More exams🥲Please leave your feedback below. Are you liking the pacing of the story? The direction it is going in? Each review you leave will lead to further improvement of the story🙂

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