Chapter 1 | The Lockheeds

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The famous socialites called the Lockheeds are for once tame in the autumn unlike what they usually do. They always held parties, no matter the circumstances there's always a party being held. They are often rumoured to be related to Charles the 2nd with how much revelling they did. If that doesn't explain how much they loved to celebrate I don't know what does.

However, it's the perfect season to find new help for the house. The Lockheed couple has been searching for a while to find a butler that could compete with the infamous Phantomhive and Trancy butlers. Ms Lockheed has been crushing on those handsome men from the moment she met them. She craved to have a handsome talented young man to be by her side all the time. It is something fun to talk about during book club as well. Her husband Earl Lockheed has realised their elderly head butler is coming up for retirement so it's the perfect situation to hire a new butler. That and he was pressured deeply by his wife to rehire one.

The Lockheeds are currently looking up a lead which took them towards a more distasteful side of London. The old worn down pub smelled like something died inside of it. Not up to the health code at all. They were looking for a certain H/c haired fighter who has been seen to be quite the gentleman. Helping women when getting lost in the dark side of London whilst beating the crap out of men simultaneously.

A man who can down many in a single punch or kick.

The Golden Dragon.

Ms Lockheed stumbles through the pub, her big dress accidentally hitting tables whilst she holds her dog by her side as it growls at everything in sight. She is quite a sight to see for the peasants drinking and gambling at the tables. Her face is well known since she is a part of the charity committee that has helped many in the area. Even her husband is a known face, owning most of the portside factories whilst being on par with the Trancys in development.

"Excuse me, young man, we are looking for the Golden dragon."

The mentioning of the name made many pints slam to the table and some even shattered when dropped dramatically. The bartender seems tense, rolling his shoulders and sweating. He couldn't believe such a rich couple is asking for an infamous fighter. A brutal fighter at that.

"He isn't here right now. Busy."

He states, unsure to even share the male's location after the last time. The Lockheed couple frowned, slightly annoyed and asked again whilst carefully pushing over £1,000. The Bartender immediately eases up, pointing a thumb to the back door and leading the two over there. But his apprehension is still there. Nervously directing the couple with a sweat.

"A warning before you go in. It's not a good scene for ladies."

He explains but Lady Lockheed didn't pay much heed to it. She opens the door before the bartender could, exposing the fact the door only leads to a courtyard. The courtyard is furnished with benches, acting as an outside beer garden but they have all been moved out of the middle for a fighting ring. In the middle, you could see a behemoth of a man fighting another man. His muscle-tight body flexing with each punch, he only wore a basic pair of trousers and flexible shoes whilst his shirt is thrown off to the side. The man he was against was barely hanging on, eyes half-lidded and blood spilling out of his very broken nose. Soon he passes out, hitting the cobbled floor with a loud thud.

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