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Blue Elderberry

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I'm not thinking as I push away from the edge of the pier. For a fleeting second, I wish I learned how to dive as a child and then realize I don't want to fall into the ocean headfirst anyway. If I crash into a rock, I'd rather break my ankle than my neck.

My stomach is in my throat as the air rushes past me. I hit the water hard and resist the urge to gasp as the icy liquid envelops my body. My eyes burn as I squint through the sandy water. I use my hands to turn and find the bag pinned against the leg of the pier by a wave. If I'm not careful, I'll be pinned next to it.

I pump my arms, trying to pull my body through the water but waves crash against me and force me whichever way the ocean decides. My lungs swell but if I resurface now, I'll lose the bag forever. I ignore the screaming in my brain to swim up for air and use the momentum of the next wave to gain distance to Jamie's bag but it's obvious I've underestimated the power of the wave as it flings my body into the leg of the pier. As soon as my fingers connect with the fabric of Jamie's bag, hot pain shoots through my skull and everything goes black.

I'm floating through space, only the sound of distant waves and... music? I gasp awake, simultaneously sucking in more water and coughing it up at the same time. I go through a cycle of gasping, coughing, and gasping again until I lean on my side and hurl—something I didn't know I was capable of. It's not until I'm done puking up a mix of salt water and stomach acid that I feel the warmth of someone's thighs around my body, feel someone pulling my hair back from my face but it's not who I'm expecting.

"Hey. You're okay. I got you." I rip away from the human, scramble to my feet, and try to force the scent of her out of my head. Her lemon shampoo, minty breath, and the undeniable tang of saltwater. All of that, mixed with something more. The faint scent of metal. The scent that makes my stomach twist into a knot and my throat burn.

I have to get out of here.

The stranger looks at me curiously and I wonder if I've ever passed her on the street before. She's plain. Plain brown hair that probably falls straight down her back when it's not tangled and soaked with sea water. Plain brown eyes. Unassuming makeup that's smudged from the waves and black stud earrings. A thin frame with broad shoulders making it so her turquoise eco-club shirt hangs on her. She's pretty but if I ever saw her on the street, I wouldn't remember. "You were drowning," she states as if I don't already know. "I work as a lifeguard during the summer so I—"

"Oh my god, Gwen. I thought you fucking died." Jamie's barrels into me, wraps her arms around my neck and despite the desire to slip my arms around her waist and pull her against me, I clutch the breath in my throat and stumble back. For the first time, I notice I still have her bag clenched in my fist and, with a shaking hand, I extend it to her.

The other kids from the eco club have formed a small crowd around us, whispering amongst themselves about whether they should call an ambulance or not.

I can't speak, can't open my mouth. I'll drain her. Right here, in front of everyone. My brain isn't working. Instead, I'm controlled by the knot in my stomach and the pain in my skull. I don't want to run off without saying anything, but I know I won't be able to control myself if I open my mouth so instead, I take her hand in mine and squeeze once, forcing a broken smile, before I walk to the parking lot.

"Gwen, wait," Jamie calls but I don't stop.

I'm walking as fast as I can, taking long strides and keeping my eyes focused on the hot sand under my feet as I pull the phone from my pocket. The screen stays black no matter how many times I click the power button. Right. The ocean fried it. I'm moving on instinct now, taking the trip back to Aurora's as fast as I can without breaking into a sprint. I'm so focused on the movement of my feet that I don't notice someone following me until I get to a streetlight and slam my palm into the crosswalk button.

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