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"uh, hey l/n." you turn around and see akaashi.

"hi." you turn back around so you could put up the net.

'why is she putting up the net? she's not a manager.'

'because the idiots around me went straight to the cafeteria.'

'you can do this, akaashi.' he breathes in and out.

"i was wondering..." he trails off, "if you wanted to go..."

'spit it out already!!' he thinks to himself with furrowed eyebrows.

"with eat dinner me."

you stare at him.

'STUPID IDIOT!' akaashi panics in his mind.

you snort and turn your head away to cover your smile.

"p-please don't laugh, y/n-san..." he blushes in embarrassment.

"sorry." you turn around with a barely noticeable smile, but he noticed it.

he blushed more, "eat dinner with me outside?" he rubs the back of his neck and averted his eyes.

you nod, your smile disappearing as you go back to your "emotionless" self.

"thank you, let me help you." he bows and starts to help you put up the net.

you noticed a change in yourself... you didn't like it, but you liked it at the same time. you found yourself craving attention from the boys you were infatuated with. you smiled more, you showed emotion, you cared. which is something you never did.

maybe you were changing for the better.


you were sitting with akaashi under the stars eating your dinner.

'she looks beautiful under the moonlight.' akaashi couldn't take his eyes off of you while you both were out there, 'should i tell her? but i barely know her.'

"the moon is beautiful... isn't it, y/n-san?" he smiles a little to you.

your eyes almost went wide.

'there, i gave her a hint!'

"hai, it is, akaashi." you look at him.

his eyes widen, "oh..." you could tell he was blushing by the way his cheeks darkened.

'does she like me too?!'

"y/n-san..." he speaks again and you both look at each other almost longingly, "i..."

"y/n! how's you and your psychic powers doing?"

'KUROO!' your eyes widen and you whip your head to him.

he goes pale when he realizes akaashi was with you, "o h ." he breathes out.

"psychic... powers?" akaashi looks at you with confusion on his face.

"i was kidding! obviously! i say that because uh..."


'damn right you better think.'


you both speak telepathically for a little bit before akaashi says something.

"y/n-san... he's joking, right?"

"yeah, he says that because i'm apparently 'so good at volleyball'." you managed to save the conversation, but akaashi narrowed his eyes a little bit.

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