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The spirit sat there, taunting him. Tonight's battle had weakened him. Hestumbled. He squinted. But he would continue. Though the spirit stood steady, seemingly unfazed, he could tell it was nearly drained. Their struggle had been long, but this could finally mark its end.
His enemy fought dirty. It infected. Possessed. Took hold of a life and soured it. Its victims could only watch in horror as their world rottedfrom the inside out. And yet here it was, out in the open, giving him the chance to rid himself of it once and for all if he could just muster the nerve.
Anger momentarily cleared the fog in his head like a flare.
This was the monster that had stolen his livelihood from him. This was the creature that had driven his friends away.This was the abomination that, wearing his face fora mask, had forced his wife to hide his own children from him. Had forcedthem all to flee.
And yet...was he also to blame for accepting the Faustian bargain it had proposed? It had whispered of strength. Of relief. All he had to do in return was give up a little more control each time. Until he found he could no longer face the world without its company.
And those rare times he resisted, when the spirit would torment him with pain and dark visions; even then it was his own weakness, after all, that forced him to succumb.
He faltered. Strength, melted by doubt, flowed from him down his cheeks.
He reached out. Grabbed the spirit by the neck.
And poured himself another glass.

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