Chapter 17: The start...

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Taehyung's hands started to shiver, out of fear. Was this really what he was thinking? The food that was in his mouth, wasn't daring to go down through his throat.

Y/n was still unaware of what was happening behind her back, so she continued her work, almost finished.

His breath started to strangle him and he slowly looked up only to widen his eyes. The plate fell from his hands, making it shatter into thousands of pieces, which gained Y/n's attention.

She flinched then turned around only to gasp lightly and walk to him who started to shiver badly. Gripping his shoulders, Y/n asked worriedly "Taehyung? What happened?"

He looked at her and no words came out of his mouth. Eyes becoming glossy, he felt the urge to burst out and hug her tightly to feel secured, but he pulled himself back.

Y/n, who was still confused, didn't know what to do, so she asked again "Yah! Are you ok?" He gulped down, trying to comfort himself about what he just saw was a hallucination and nothing more.

Before he or she could utter something else, Y/n felt like something dripping onto her face, from the ceilling. She blinked her eyes before opening them again and Taehyung jumped back.

"Y-Y/n..." He sounded so scared and hopeless, just like a little child. She slowly brought her hand up to her cheeks and touched the liquid before scanning the texture on her finger.

After smelling it, she whispered "Why does that smell like blood?". Scanning her surroundings, her eyes fell onto the ceilling. A shock and fear invaded her heart.

This couldn't be real.

At least this was not what she expect.

"Y/n..." She slowly looked at Taehyung who breathed in and out heavily while looking into her eyes. Looking back at the ceilling to make sure that it was true, yes, it was.

A cut head hung onto the the ceilling by the hair....

Tears started to fall from her eyes as she felt like she was about to die. The next second, the blue haired guy gripped her hand and they ran out of the kitchen.

They saw Jungkook sleeping onto the couch and rushed to him before shaking him "Jungkook! We need to leave!" Said the older before the younger could jump off from the couch.

He looked around with sleepy eyes and messy hair before he could be pulled by his friends out of the couch, making him stand on his feets.

He stumbled as he didn't regain fully his consciousness and they made him wear his slippers. Before anything else, they ran to the main door, to exit this farmhouse as soon as possible.

Jungkook soon spoke "Y/n, Taehyung! What happened?" They didn't reply, feeling it useless at this moment.

The next second, when they tried to approach the main opened door, it suddenly shut close out of sudden with a loud thud, just on their face.

All 3 of them widened their eyes and Y/n started to sob. Taehyung gripped her hand tightly, to make her feel secured but she was feeling nothing but hopeless.

Meanwhile, Jungkook looked at their sweaty state and how the door closed before confusion could invade his body.

"What the hell is happening?" He asked before Taehyung could turn to him "Jungkook, this place is not safe. We need to leave as soon as possible." "But why?"

He insisted and the duo gulped down before Y/n could speak "J-Jungkook, we saw...w-we saw a c-cut hea-" before she could finish her sentence, she felt like someone pulled her hair and she was thrown to the nearest wall harshly.

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