Chapter 45.2

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Chapter 45 – Part 2

Nonetheless, that did not quite explain what Angelica had been up to. Angelica herself seemed to know it well, so an explanation followed.

"To be honest, I wasn't interested in the paladin himself, but in another person of the Temple of Tunia. Come to think of it, it was around when I started studying the Temple of Tunia?"

What Angelica meant was that it was even before the delegation of the Temple of Tunia arrived. At the very least, it meant that it was not because of Eden that she relentlessly collected information about the Temple of Tunia.

Cisen blinked her eyes.

"Actually, I was interested in the Saint of Tunia. I just asked him about the Saint. He really doesn't matter at all."

As she said so, Angelica laughed a little awkwardly. It was because half of what she said was true, while half was false. Even though it was the truth that she was really interested in Seraphina, the Saint of Tunia... It was a lie to say that Eden did not matter at all.

"I just asked him about the Saint of Tunia."

This was also a lie.

"...Then, why was it him? There must have been many others to ask about the Saint. Perhaps, the archbishop was more suitable."

Indeed, Cisen was sharp.

Thinking that the question was easy, Angelica quickly responded with her improvisation.

"I chose him because he didn't seem to have any friends."


"When I first received an audience, I knew at first glance that he was a reticent and unfriendly type. So, I made you observe him. And, I was convinced."


"Anyone who is isolated every day and reads what's even supposed to be forbidden... I thought he might not have a great sense of belonging with the paladins."

"So, Your Majesty thought he might be a little careless..."

Angelica's face brightened.

"That's right!"

Her conscience stung slightly for driving Eden into her social maladjustment, but for now, she had to live with it.

"An archbishop would be very careful with every statement he said. However, if it were a paladin who had no sense of belonging, he would be more likely to talk about the saint without thinking."

Her words almost seemed to fit roughly, and Cisen's mind eventually calmed down.

If she thought back on Angelica's words, she would notice quite a few holes though Cisen did not intend to be that cold. Ultimately, she loved Angelica more than anything else, and she was ready to trust her completely—even with the slightest excuse.

A smile finally spread across Cisen's lips.

Meanwhile, outside the bedroom where Cisen and Angelica were talking—

—Raniero Actilus was leaning against the wall.

He snarled as he overheard the story of Angelica and her maid. As usual, he tried to open the door to the room, but the conversation between Angelica and her handmaiden was, coincidentally, Raniero's concern.

"I have no intention of betraying my husband and playing with another man. So, don't worry."

Raniero's lips curled up slightly before making a satisfied sound.

According to what he found out about the Unro Kingdom, Angelica loved her maid, Cisen, very much. It was said that she treated her like a sister, confessing whatever she could not say to only her. So, everything she said now was probably true.

He could hear Angelica's handmaiden somehow choking up her voice.

"I was mistaken. You've had such a good relationship with His Majesty the Emperor recently..."

"Ha, hahaha. That's right."

"I don't know how much my heart was torn because Your Majesty showed tears all day since you didn't want to get married. However, you've adapted so well and become a respected empress."

"It's tiring."

After saying that, Angelica quickly added.

"But, I think His Majesty's been pretty good, too. Although every day is still on thin ice..."

'I'm pretty good?'

Her words did not sound bad. Raniero became amused. Perhaps, Angelica's handmaiden felt the same way, and her voice rose a little.

"With time, you'll be able to love this country a little more, right? If His Majesty is more cordial than he is now..."

"Well, that might make me feel safe..."

"Your Majesty's happiness is my happiness. Now that this is the case, I want you to be happy in this country."

"Oh, well... if I don't die in winter hunting..."

"Ah... winter hunting."

The conversation was suddenly cut off.

Raniero laughed quietly.

While Angelica was concerned about the winter hunting, he completely forgot. Then, it might mean that the countless arrow marks on the garden tree must have been prepared for that time. All the puzzles seemed to fit together in their own way.

However, at the same time, a new question arose.

'...The Saint of the Temple of Tunia?'

He tilted his head.

'Why would the wife be interested in such a woman?'

Meanwhile, Raniero wondered if the two women's topic would resume to it again, so he stood at the doorway for a few more minutes. Nonetheless, the story of the Temple of Tunia did not come out of their mouths anymore.

'The Saint of Temple of Tunia...'

The word settled in the corner of Raniero's head as a question.

'It would be nice to take a look at her when I go on the expedition.'

Raniero wondered why Angelica wanted to know about her.

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