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| 12 | Murk and Moonlight

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Jackson lay on his side, staring at the cavern's entrance. The same sounds of wind and rustling leaves continued for hours, and to his relief, he hadn't once heard anything that might indicate cadejo had found the cave.

          He started dozing off...until he heard Elias—who had shifted back into a man along with several other people—arguing with Damon. He had thought Elias was one who had learned to stay as their wolf for longer than others, but evidently, he assumed wrong. Either that, or he'd shifted to clean his wounds better.

          "I told you this was a bad idea," Elias uttered.

          Looking over at the far-right corner of the cavern where the brown-haired man and Damon were talking, Jackson put his newly learnt skill to use. He eavesdropped.

          "We shouldn't travel during the day. You know as well as I do that those things can't see in the dark like we can. You're also putting those of the pack who can't stay shifted for longer than twelve hours in danger. Why are you taking so many risks? First that fucking rogue, and now this?"

          "Watch your tone, Elias," Damon grunted.

          Elias sighed. "I'm sorry, but we're all a little concerned. We want to find a safe place just as much as you do, but we're too close to take risks like this. For all we know, that rogue could be sending little messages to cadejo—or are you forgetting he was bitten by one?"

          "I won't tell you again," Damon snarled. "The cadejo were getting too close. We couldn't risk waiting around for nightfall again. I had to do something."

          "And now Aysel and two-thirds of us are miles away, Damon. We lost four wolves, five including Jordan last night and two more when Aysel's hunting party was attacked. We can't afford to lose anyone else."

          "I'm aware."

          "I say we dump the rogue and run at nightfall. You and Aysel are in contact?"

          Jackson felt a cold pain in his heart. There Elias went again...trying to decide whether he should live or die.

          "We're not getting rid of him," Damon growled.

          His words relieved Jackson.

          "The council voted he lives, so he lives. And yes. Aysel and the rest are only half a mile north. She's taken everyone into an ice cave. We're going to leave the moment the sun starts setting. I assume your wounds are healing fine?"

          "They are." He then made a frustrated sound. "Why are you so insistent about that rogue? Is there something you're not telling us?"

          "I've told you, along with everyone else, why I want him here. Now get some rest. It'll be getting dark soon."

          "But Alph—"

          "This discussion is over."

          The moment he saw Damon walking away, Jackson turned his head to look at the cavern entrance. Now that he knew how to focus his hearing, he might be able to find out more about Greykin. He had just learned that the cadejo couldn't see very well at night, which meant it would be safer for him to move after sunset—that was...if and when he went his own way.

          No, not if...he was doing it. Damon wasn't going to help him on his hunt for Wilson and the other reporters, that was for sure, so once he learned everything he felt he needed to survive out in Greykin alone, he planned to make a break for it.

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