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I was standing on a yacht. On the biggest yacht, I've ever seen. It looked so big it could hold hundreds of people on it. But there were only two people currently on it. Technically three counting the captain driving.

I gaze at the ocean, which looks bright against the night sky. It was beautiful.

I turn to look at Caspar. He looked regal in black and white dress pants and a loose shirt. He took off the gold cuff links and the suit jacket the minute we sat.

We were sitting on a small round dining table meant for two. Facing each other on both ends of it. A book bouquet with flowers lay on the floor next to my feet. I didn't even think it was possible to make a book bouquet. But here was one with all my favorite books. Some of them I hadn't even read yet. He got me every book I talked about. He listens to me rant about books showing disinterest when in truth, he was storing them all to memory.

This position gives me a direct view of the beautiful scenery. The ocean and the man. Most especially the man.

He was looking at me with the same expression I'm sure I had on my face.
Awe, and disbelief.

The feeling was mutual.

To say I was surprised about the entire night was an understatement. I had no idea this was what he had planned. I was happily expecting a single book from him or a sun dress because he loves to get me those.

Not this. A romantic dinner on a million-dollar yacht. I'm sure the food we were digging into cost more than I could guess.

I knew Caspar was rich. I mean, it was obvious. He lived in a house that looked like a castle. He always wore expensive designer clothes. They were subtle and not flashy, but they were expensive.

He has this authoritative aura that only people who grew up with money have. So I knew he was loaded. But didn't think it was to this extent. To the extent of owning a private space in the ocean and a boat.

My skin suddenly felt crawly and uncomfortable. I was way out of my league here.

Who was I to have the attention of a man like him?
He should have dinners with socialites and trust fund princesses, not me.

A girl with nothing on her name.

"Hey, hey."

I look up to see Caspar frowning slightly.

I blink several times, trying to clear up my thoughts.

"What's wrong?" He asks softly, worry clouding his eyes.

Damn it.

I was going into the night with my insecure thoughts.

I give him a big smile. "Nothing!"

He gives a knowing look.
"It's not 'nothing.' Tell me. Is it the food? Do you not like it?"

"What, no! I love it! You know sea food is my favorite."

"Then what's the matter?"

I take a bite of the shrimp on my fork. Then I look at him with all honesty.
"I feel out of my league with you."

There I said it.

It was his turn to blink continuously, looking confused. "Out of your league?"

My face heats up in embarrassment.
I nod in reply.

"I don't understand. What do you mean by that?"

He couldn't possibly be saying that he's never noticed.

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