Going to the homies for love advice / Grudges are for losers

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Third Person PoV

1. Going to the homies for love advice...

Three boys sat around the table in Kiyopon's room. 



And Kiyopon himself.

Kiyopon called out for his closest homies to gather in his room, for he had something he wished to inquire. That strange feeling whenever he sees Suzune. Although Akito most likely had the answer, he thought hearing a second opinion from someone like Keisei would clear a few details out. 

Well, he's already told them how he's feeling.

It's time for the two boys' verdict on the matter.

Akito and Keisei both looked serious. The former, crossing his arms and sighing. The answer was obvious for someone who's been in the battlefield for quite a while.

" Before I say anything, I'd like to repeat the list of the things you told us just now." Keisei speaks up first.

Akito glances to him and Kiyopon nods slowly.

" So....your heart has recently begun beating erratically for the past few weeks...?"

Kiyopon nods.

" And you also said that  you've begun feeling warmer inside?"

Kiyopon nods again.

" And you sometimes lose focus or get lost in your thoughts? And that you feel these weird things happening in your stomach...?"

Kiyopon nods.

Akito chuckles. It's obvious. Akito knew exactly what Kiyopon is feeling.

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