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K I N S L E Y ' S P O V

   "Kins, wake up, were at the hospital." Someone shook me lightly. I jolted awake then regretted my sudden movements because my head started pounding. "You alright?" Keaton put his hand on my thigh. I nodded and slowly opened my eyes.

   We got out of the car and became our journey through the emergency room doors. The whole walk I felt dizzy and that I was about to vomit.

   We finally made it in and the room was filled with people. They gave us disgusted looks like we were some sort of zombie. I mean sure, we were black and purple with dried and fresh blood everywhere but stop staring.

   "We need help." Jhett said to the lady at the desk. "Well you have to take a number and wait till we call it." She said in a shitty tone. Keaton looked around the room that was filled. "This is an emergency room, right?" He asked the girl.

   "Excuse me?" She said, twirling her hair. "I said this is an emergency room. Right?" He said again, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Well, yea but we don't have many people here tonight so we have people waiting." She said, looking at me.

   "We don't fucking have time to wait." Jhett yelled. I could feel my head pounding and I kept shifting in place. Next thing I knew, I was falling backwards on the floor with someone shouting, "I need help in here."


   "We need to call her brothers." Keaton told Jhett. Keaton had followed Kinsley back as far as he could. "Yea, you need to get checked out first dude. You look like shit." Jhett told his best friend. "I just need a shower and my shoulder needs checked out. I'll be fine." Keaton said, trying his best to convince his friend.

   "You know it's ok to be hurt for once. You don't have to be super boyfriend all the time." Jhett joked. Keaton looked at him, "Super boyfriend my ass. I don't even like her!" He said.

   Jhett scoffed, "Right, cause even before this whole you guys getting kidnapped thing, you followed her around like a lost puppy. You were ultimately happier after she started talking to us, and you talk about her all the time." Jhett said, using his hands for emphasis.

   "Yea, shes like my best friend." Keaton lied right through his teeth. His feelings confused him. He was supposed to be the cold hearted ruthless gang leader. He couldn't fall for the biggest mafias only girl.

   "It's ok to have feelings." Keaton sighed. "I don't know man. I did ask her if I could be her date to the annual ball happening next week." Jhett faked a shocked look. "What a surprise. Ok, You look pale bro, can we get you help now?" Jhett said, standing from the corner chair. Keaton laid his head back on the wall. "Yea sure."


   Jhett was alone in the waiting room, his two best friends back in a white room. He was extremely happy that they were back, but he realized now that they work, there were consequences that were to be made.

   He picked up his phone, dialing the dreaded number to Matteos phone. Matteo had ordered all of the boys to never to call his father. He said he wasn't worthy and that there was definitely something going on with him.

   Matteo picked up after two rings. "Jhett, whats up kid." he said nonchalantly. "You're sister and Keaton are in the hospital." 'Woah Jhett, good going, great way to take it easy.' he told himself.

   "What?" Matteo deadpanned. "Yea you heard me. I_ well they fought their way out. But i'll send you the address. You should probably only come yourself cause, well you know." He told the older boy. "Uhh- y-yea. I uhh I'll be there soon." Matteo said, obviously very confused.

   "Family of a.." there was a pause, "Unknown girl?" A woman came through the double doors. Jhett stood up instantly. "A teenage girl, brown hair, looks like shes 12?" Jhett asked. The girl nodded. "Her names Kinsley."

   It was silent for a few minutes while the nurse lady wrote on the clipboard she was carrying around. "Are you a brother, or related to her?" She asked. Jhett shook his head. "I'm her best friend though, she called me to help them both." He told the lady.

   She nodded and looked around the small waiting area. "Follow me Mr.." she waited. "Call me Jhett." He said. She nodded again and began walking back through the door.

   "How is she? Is she conscious?" He began asking the lady. She hushed the boy and kept walking to a secrete room towards the back. Jhett peeked through the tiny doors window.

   There lay Kinsley, hooked to multiple machines, with her head wrapped in a white bandage. She had a cast around her arm and her leg was wrapped with what looked like gauze.

   "Now, do NOT tell anyone that I'm telling you this." She whisper yelled. Jhett nodded but kept his eyes on the girl laying in the bed.

   "She's suffered a brain bleed. It's been sitting like this for some time now. She got a couple of broken ribs, one of her lungs was barely hanging on. her arm was crushed in multiple places. Her leg had burn and lash marks from what looked like a beating. We pulled off the necrotic tissue around the burn marks, that's why she has wrapping around them. From what it seems, shes been sitting and taking beating for a couple of months now. I'm surprised she isn't worse than this." The doctor told me.

   Jhett stood looking at the girl. His heart broke for her and his best friend. She had been through more in her whole life then any of her brothers had ever been through. Shes the strongest person I know.

   "Jhett." Matteo yelled from down the hall. "Where is my friends room, Keaton Madden." Jhett asked the doctor. "Room 237." She whispered.

   Jhett walked to Matteo, a stern look on his face. "What the hell happened?" Matteo questioned Jhett. "We can talk later, go hear about your sister." He told the older boy. Matteo kept walking over to the doctor.

   Jhett ran up the stairs and barged into Keatons room. "Whoa there. Don't be to excited to see me." Keaton joked but immediately dropped his smile when he saw the serious look on his friends face. "What happened?" He asked.

   "She- Kins has a fucking brain bleed! They fucking hurt he so fucking much and every one of those mother fuckers are going to fucking pay." Jhett paced the room. Keaton knew his best friend was beyond pissed.

   Jhett never acted out like this in a public place. "Listen. Let's focus on getting better right now, we can kick some fucking ass later alright. You need to calm down!" Keaton told the boy.

   "Calm down! Calm down! Keaton I can't just calm myself down! You were gone for months. We were MISERABLE. We didn't know when or where you were. Hell we had no clue if you were still alive. It took us so fucking long to find you because we were to emotionally involved." Jhett began blaming himself for what was going on.

   "This isn't your fault bro. Nobody blames you." Keaton said. Jhett shook his head and took a seat in the uncomfortable chair that sat in the corner of the room. He put his head in his hands and shook his leg up and down.

A couple of minutes went by. Jhett suddenly got up from the chair and moved for the door. "Woa- Where are you going? Jhett." Keaton called out the door before it closed.




I've been planning my next book after I finish this one and to say i'm excited is an understatement.

Anyways, how we doing??

<3 K

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