(6) never-ending nightmares x2

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After the Cullens left Bella went down hill fast....
She wouldn't go out she wouldn't eat as much as usual or at all sometimes...
she just sat in the chair at the window watching for him.

And that wasn't the only thing that troubled me and dad sure it was healthy for someone to miss someone, but it's gotten to the point where she just starts screaming in the middle of the night because of nightmares of him leaving her over and over.
But she wasn't the only one having nightmares
Mine seem to be for different reason though


I was walking down a dark corridor, small lamps light the way, I come to a stop in front of two large brown doors, they open slowly, to show dead bodies littered everywhere...
A shrill scream sounded through the room
I looked to see a woman beside me, screaming in pain as three Red eyed vampires bit her.

I feel a gust of wind in front of me, I turn only to make eye contact with not just a normal red eyes like the others they were a dark Crimson....
I stared so long it felt like I was drowning falling slowly.....

like nothing else mattered but those eyes,
It felt like an eternity before I felt a prick on my neck and pain took over my body, and I screamed

* end of dream*

"Hey! Will! Wake up!!"
I open my eyes to see my dad hovering over the side of my bed with worry on his face
"morning.... Why are you staring at me?"
I asked tiredly
" well you were screaming kiddo..." he said worry written all over his face
"I was?" I said confused, thinking back to my dream but all I could remember were those eyes.... it was like I knew them and they new me....
oh god this isn't good.

" yeah kid, are you gonna be all right?" He asked me obviously still worried
"Yeah I'll be fine." I say with a yawn
He nods his head and smiles and gets up to leave
"Hey dad." I call to him
"Yes?" He says turning around
" you're the best love you!" I say smiling
" Love you too kiddo, I'm gonna go to work take care of Bella while I'm gone." He says with a small smile And with that he leaves

A few minutes later I leave my room and walk over to Bella's to check on her,
I lightly knock on the door to which I get no response of course
" Bells?" I say slowly opening the door, only to see her sitting in that chair at the window again just staring....

" Bella I'm gonna go to LA push for about an hour or two I feel like it be healthy for you to come with, get some fresh air?" I tell her knowing full well I won't get a response
And of course she just keeps staring out the window
" OK Bella if you need me I'm only a phone call away..." I say sadly

I'm honestly upset I've sworn to myself 1000 times now if I ever see Edward Cullen again I'm going to punch him in his porcelain face, for putting my sister through this.
I honestly really don't see what she sees in him yes I'm friends with his siblings but not him!
he's rude, narcissistic, manipulating and not to mention a total CREEP!! He watched her while she was sleeping!!!

Woooo, deep breaths Willow in and out.......
Edward really pisses me off, If you couldn't tell

*small time skip*

I arrive at La push, and when I get out of the truck
I'm tackled to the ground
"Ow!" I say to my attacker
"Haha, sorry are you ok?" Seth asks me giggling
"Yeah I'm fine" I say with a smile
I hear laughing and look to see Sam and his group going into the woods
"What are they doing?" I ask
"I don't know they just disappear into the woods sometimes." He says with a shrug
" stay here I'll be right back." I say to him

I follow them until they stop and I hide behind a big tree back pressed flat against it.
"You know what Paul I don't think you're that tough!" The voice I believe belongs to Embry?
"Haha" Paul let out a breathy laugh
"don't start something you can't finish."
" oh trust me I'll finish it." He replied,
you can tell he's trying to be the big man just by his tone of voice

I peek around the tree to see a very angry Paul so angry that he's shaking, Embry smirks and that seemed like the last straw,
I blink and now both Paul and Embry have been replaced with two humungous wolves?!

"Holy shit!!" I yell in shock
which results to the attention turned to me instead of the fight, even wolf Embry and Paul are looking at me,
"Umm hey guys..." I say with an awkward wave
They just continue staring
" you're werewolves that's cool...." I say kicking at the dirt awkwardly

" no we're not.... why you say that we are definitely not that would be crazy...." Jared Rambles knowing he's not gonna really affect anything
" Real smooth man." Quil interrupts his rambling
" I thought I heard something, and to think I thought it was a deer." I hear Paul's voice say
I look to see him back in human form but now without a shirt and just cargo shorts

" Willow." Sam calls
" yes Sam?" I ask
" you don't seem phased at all by this, mind if I ask why?" He inquires
" well I mean knowing your history it makes sense you know with the wolf warriors.... And also this isn't my first rodeo I had to deal with a vampire attack so this is nothing." I answer
That's when shock hits all their faces
"VAMPIRE ATTACK!!" They all yell almost in unison

" yeah me and Bella were like attacked by this vampire named James he's dead now.... And before you ask yes I know that the Cullens are vampires." I explain
" it's good that you know the importance of keeping secrets so we're gonna need you to keep this one." Sam says to me
" no duh." I say playfully
And he just gives me a serious, almost dad like look.

I look at my watch 2:34 SHIT
When I left the house it was 12:30
I'm not supposed to leave Bella alone for longer than two hours
" look how about I come back tomorrow and we talk about this but I really have to get back to check on Bella." I say frantically
" that's fine go." Sam says with a nod
I take off through the forest all the way back to my car

" hey where did you go?" Seth asks
" I lost them... but now I have to go home and check on Bella i'll see you around Seth!" And with that I got in the truck and drove away

*Time skip*

The second I get home I jump out of the car and throw the house door open, only to see Bella sitting at the kitchen table eating.
"Hey Bells..." I say approaching her slowly like she's a timid cat
"Hey, you just missed Dad. Also I'm going out with Jessica and was wondering if you wanted to come?" she asks

" I would love to come with Bella.... If you don't mind me asking what changed your mind about going out?"
I inquired
" you know just stuff you and dad said about getting back into a routine and not letting this take over my life." She says poking at the eggs on her plate,
" that's great Bella! Just let me go grab my stuff and we can leave." I tell her
"Okay." She says nodding
I go upstairs and when I enter my room all the sudden an image flashes in my head :

" She says noddingI go upstairs and when I enter my room all the sudden an image flashes in my head :

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: an absolutely breathtaking castle, and then it was gone....
'What was that?'  I ask myself
No matter things are finally starting to get back to normal apart from the whole werewolf thing who am I kidding that is my normal.

Crimson eyes (Caius volturi x Bella's sister-Twilight)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu