Chapter 17

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Don't know what's going on in this chapter😏😏😊. Hope you enjoy it!!!

      The room fell silent at her entrance. All gazes fell on her and her breath caught in her throat. Clenching her fists, she raised her head even higher, taking uniformed steps to the end. The air of regality clinging to her like a cloak, she refused to give them the satisfaction of seeing her unnerved. She could feel their piercing gaze on her but she tried her best not to shrink from it. Her eyes searching and falling on Dexter who was sitting at his throne. He looked furious but their eyes met and his gaze softened. She took in a deep breath, relief flooding her like a wave.

      Murmurs broke out as she walked, their snide remarks drifting to her ears. Not her business, she repeated over and over to herself, tuning them out. Her job was to get the Dexter. After what seemed like forever, she finally got to his side. He stood to his feet, closing in on the last few steps. Once again, he reached out his hands to pull her up and she placed her hand in his. He reached it up to his lips and placed a kiss on it. Her nerves tingled at the action and a blush crept out her cheeks.

     She let him lead her to her throne Leading her to her throne which was just next to him. Silence descended as they awaited his words.

     " Members of the Madonia Royal council. I am here to introduce my Queen, Maya Herald." He announced in a cool authoritative voice. One by one, almost begrudgingly, she watched them bow. With Dexter's nudge, she sat down, her expression unflinching.

      Maya watched all of them, their haughty gaze focused on her. It's all in their faces. They do not like her.

      " The rumors are true...." One of them whispered at the prolonged silence. " You really did get married."

      " Who is she? Never heard of her before." Another seconded and once again, murmurs broke out as everyone whispered amongst themselves.

      "What about Princess Fleurie? Wasn't she the best candidate to be your Queen? " A voice called out.

      "I already stated that I will not be getting married to her." Dexter replied calmly. Their voices grew louder, defiance in the voices.

      They are treating her like she's not there, Maya thought bitterly. Not surprising since this is the way she's been treated all her life. It only infuriated her the more. She stole a glance at Dexter. Beneath that calm visage was a man with murderous intent. She glanced back at the courtroom. Weren't they seeing the same thing?

      " We do not approve of this union!" One of the bellowed out, rising to his feet. Maya stared at him, a brow raised. He bared an uncanny resemblance to the woman who barged into their room earlier this morning. Is he her father?

     " We cannot allow this woman to be our queen. We barely know her! How are we so sure she would lead this Kingdom right? It is against the law and customs governing this land. She has not been selected by the council to be best candidate for Queen. She will be anything but!" He stated.

    " What makes you think you have a say in who I marry, King Gavin?" Dexter asked in that cold, deadly voice of his, eyes narrowed. The man shrank visibly.  "Aren't you the same people wanted me to choose a queen so desperately these past few months?" He leaned back on his throne, waving them off.  I do not care what your opinions are. This is my decision and it is final. The quicker you get used to it, the better."

     " I refuse!" King Gavin retorted vehemently. " I cannot let this happen! You can still reverse this action, your highness. This union is barely a day old. There are more eligible candidates out that would be fitting."

      Dexter opened his mouth to say something biting but someone's else beat him to it.

     " All of you should shut up!"  Someone snapped and everyone in the room froze. All gazes turned to the owner of the voice. It was none other than Maya. And she looked furious as hell. Even more furious than Dexter.
     " Why are you all even complaining?" She retorted, her voice low but laced with venom. " Is it because you're worried you will not be benefiting from this? Or what is it exactly?"

     " You're lucky his highness is trying to be reasonable. Not everyone is that patient to listen." She pinned king Gavin a knowing glare. " You're right, I'm not worthy of this position. But he chose me. And like the subordinates you are, you are supposed to respect his decisions. Who are you to refute his words?"
       Everyone was too stunned to speak. The whole courtroom had gone graveyard silent, Even Dexter had difficulty keeping the surprise from his face.  Maya took a deep breath, closing her eyes. When she opened them, they had grown darker, deadlier. " This was meant to be an announcement. Not an argument. If you are not satisfied with it, you can argue in your respective homes."

      " Are we done here? " She muttered, glancing at Dexter. He nodded. " I'd like to leave." She said, returning her gaze back to the court.

      " Of course" Dexter agreed. With his reply, Maya stood to her feet, with Dexter following after her. This forced the stupefied crowd to get themselves together as they bowed to the departing royalty. Their capes trailing behind them, they looked as formidable as ever. Intimidating even.

        The guards at the entrance of of the courtroom kept their heads bowed as they open the door, and they marched outside of the room.

      Even after their exit, the entire council still had trouble comprehending what just happened. But one thing was for sure. The new Queen had left a lasting impression. She was not to be messed with.
      Whatever confidence Maya had in that court dissipated the moment she walked out of that room. It was suffocating in there. She couldn't bare it any longer. Being in that place for that long was beginning to take its toll on her body. She hated how physically exhausted she felt afterwards. But she couldn't reveal her weakness just yet. She needed to get to her room first. She didn't stop walking, unaware of where she was going. It took a while for her to realise this was no longer her palace.

      She paused momentarily, trying to figure out where she was. Already she was beginning to feel lightheaded, her body burning. She felt a tap on her shoulders and turned to see who it was. It was Dexter and he had a concerned look on his face.

       " Are you okay?" He asked, visibly worried.

        Something in his voice caused her to tremble involuntarily, her legs growing weak. Her eyes dimmed but she forced herself to smile up at him.

       " Yes..." She whispered, but her throat had gone dry, her voice hoarse. She was having difficulty breathing, the hallways tilting around her.

        Just little more. Get to where nowhere can see you, she tried to tell herself but her body could no longer keep up with her mind. Her vision blurry, she'd barely taken the first step when lost balance, falling backwards. She fell into something warm and solid. A scent she was beginning to get familirized with wrapped itself around her and she relaxed against it, darkness enveloping her.

       Dexter caught her in his arms just in time. He stared at her unconscious face. She had fainted.

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