I'm not dead yet

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' If I'm not dead , I'm not finished '
- Anonymous

Time : 14 : 45 pm
Age : 13

????? POV

Cool air cascades around my warm body , light shines on my face , the smell of roses enters my senses , footsteps walking in the room I'm occupied in , I feel someone adjusting my head onto a soft pillow.

As I realize now , is that I can feel , hear , smell ( not so well though ) but I can not see anything , I try to open my eyes but it feels like my body won't allow me to put effort into opening my eyes. ' Mom where are you , I'm really scared '

Just then I heard someone walking in while explaining something , that couldn't exactly make out , to the other person.
" She's sleeping , but you can come in and see her now . " Said the doctor that I suppose saved my life and made sure nothing was gonna happen to me. She kept her promise .
" Y-Yes of c-c-course doctor , t-t-t-thank y-you s-s much " said he said , his voice cracking in between.

" Of course , I really tried the best I could , but in the time we could only save one of them , I'm so sorry for the loss of your belated wife , your wife told us to give that pendant to your daughter , before her passing , she seemed like a really sweet person.
Your daughter is very strong to , she really fought her way out of death . She's something , I can tell . " She said
' What are they saying my ears are starting to zing oww'
" Yup she was always like that , from the day she was born . " He said

Silence , was the only thing that surrounded the room now.

Until , my monitor beeped at a steady pace , then it went faster , until it reached my normal heart rate.

The doc and my dad ran over to me , one taking my hand and the other went to check my vitals.

" She's starting to recover sooner than we thought, this is amazing , your daughter's amazing " She said sounding very happy " What do you mean
Doctor Liz " said dad , Liz so that was her name , it's a really pretty name
" What I mean is that since , the accident was really really bad , that some of her bones were severely damaged. She was supposed to stay unconscious for another 3 weeks or more tops , but her brain doesn't seem to want to stay asleep , which leads to her waking up earlier than she's supposed to , plus some of her bruises , fractured bones and cuts were healed quicker than they were supposed to , she only has about a few cuts and bruises now , but also 2 or 3 broken bones , but she's still recovered in only a week. Now how is that even possible, your little girl is remarkable "

" Well what can I say she's just like her mom , always has been " said dad
" I can see that " said Doctor Liz

Three days later

I slowly opened my eyes and saw blue flower patterns decorating the ceiling , the sun kissed my pale skin and I felt super hungry right now , I looked down and saw a hand holding onto mine it was my dad's hand he was asleep on the hospital chair and his head was leaning on the medical bed near my leg , I watched him for a while with a smile on my face , and now I wondered where my mom was this whole time , I haven't heard or seen her the whole time I was here. I hope she comes soon.

I looked on the couch and saw my older brother (by 10 seconds) Mark was sleeping , I didn't hear him earlier he must've just come back from school I guess , Mark's the same age as me we're twins , his very reckless too , just like me.

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