02. Dread

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- Thalia Anagnos-Loukanis - 

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- Thalia Anagnos-Loukanis - 

Another day, another type of torture.

Whether it be from the people who are supposed to love you, or the people who are supposed to be your friends and actually teach you something.

There is one person at school that has made my life worth living, but that is only if he comes to school when he isn't even in any of my classes. He can also be a bit of a pain in the asse, but I suppose we are friends.

If that's what you would call our words to one another.

I mean, I had never been taught or shown how to be a good friend or to even be a good person, I suppose I just learnt off what my siblings did and chose not to do that. When I would hear them laughing with one another, I picked up what it was like to wish for something you didn't have.

I learnt things that children shouldn't have. I've learnt how to dodge knifes when you get in the way of your siblings' competitions and how to avoid people who don't even know you live in the same house as them.

I've learnt not to cry over people like spoiled milk.

And to think I was only 14 with a broken heart and I had only ever talked to a few guys that either had no interest in me or I was related to.

As per usual, I slipped out of the house this morning, no food in sight, as I walked the usual 25 minute walk from the mansion to the school for the richest of the rich.

I'd be surprised if my eldest brothers even noticed the fact that there was money leaving their bank accounts for someone who they didn't call a sister. I mean, I was the only one who still went to school while everyone else had graduated at the top of their classes.

Just not me.

I'm an average B student and that was more than fine with me. I had a few A's but never a C in sight. It wasn't like I ever showed my siblings a drawing I had made in school, so why would the teachers ever care that I had just forged another signature for the 9th year in a row.

"Hey T" the usual best friend greeting from my friend Phoenix. The only person that had stuck around but acted like he avoided the plague all the same. "Hey Nix"

Phoenix Angelo's. The boy who was known as the bad boy who protected the girl that nobody liked, not even her family.

I'd give it to him that he would protect me against everyone else in the world, even though we teased each other and acted like we didn't like one another, but I knew that deep down, we would stick by one another even if the world was ending.

Or that was what I hoped. If he heard that, he would brush it off and say, "whatever helps you sleep at night". He was like a brother in a way, rather giving me the usual light pushes and shoves, while ruffling my hair.

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