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"Tsunade-Hime?" Jiraiya huffs under his breath as he suddenly turns into a café.

Sasuke, Naruto, and I share a look and rush in after him.

He makes his way to a table, his face lightening up.

"Tsunade-Hime," Jiraiya says again, approaching a table with the so-called lady- who looked exactly like she looked in the books.

She looks up, her eyes narrowing, "Jiraiya!? What are you doing here? Who are those runts."

Jiraiya grins, sitting down— Naruto and Sasuke sitting next to him as I stand, looking at the café. The five are talking in the background, as my eyes wander around the room, taking in the cute decorations. A smile makes its way onto my face, reminding me of the scabs in my mouth.

I wince, I really gotta heal that.

I jump, startled as Tsunade slams her hands onto the table, letting out a loud "No!"

She begins to go outside along with the lady she was with, I look at the boys questioningly, scrambling after Naruto who had followed her out with an angry look on his face.

I mentally berate myself for not paying attention.

Jiraiya and Sasuke come out a few moments later, looking exasperated.

"Look kid, I don't know what to tell ya. I don't want to do this, but if you insist on fighting, I'll just show you instead." Tsunade says, tilting her head back with a smirk.

Oh no, our curse is being passed onto Naruto!

Does this mean we don't need to fight S-Ranked ninja anymore?

I sure hope so, heh!

Naruto pulled his bow out and aimed it at her, adding chakra into it and sending off an invisible arrow-- she moved to the side, an eyebrow raised.

"What a pretty move, yet, not quite good enough." Her tone is smug-- intentionally so.

I leaned back against the walls, watching the fight curiously-- I think I missed something inside.

I turn to Jiraiya as Naruto sends a few more arrows, "So uh... what did I miss inside?"

He snorts as he watches the pair, "Tsunade said she didn't want to do it; that being Hokage would be as good as throwing her life away... Naruto, he, he didn't take to well to that."

I nod, turning back to the fight to watch Naruto create a few clones and jump at her.

He threw punches that she dodged with ease, finding the real Naruto at the end and throwing a punch at his stomach.

He doubles over, gagging.

Jiraiya steps in holding his hand up and sighing.

Naruto stands up, scowl still on his face, "Look! I know you think you're throwing you life away, but what about us, huh?!" He shouts before pointing at me, "She's had to do so much for us because our Hokage couldn't! Are you saying she shouldn't care about the village?! Are you saying everyone fighting for the village is pointless?"

I almost jump out of my skin when he points at me.

He took a deep breath, "You've been given the opportunity to make a change! You know, to maybe make peace, if you dislike fights so much then make peace! But don't give me this useless bs!"

She stares at him with a confused face and he continues.

"My dream, always has, and always will be to be Hokage. You turning this down is like-- some sort of sick joke or something... are you kidding me right now?"

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