Chapter 1

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*Katerina's POV*

The air hummed with voices as I weaved through the less crowded sections of the marketplace. Buyers and sellers spiritedly haggled over every clipped copper as I peered past them to check if the booths had any of the supplies I needed.

I stepped to the side to let a horse-drawn cart pass and used the opportunity to look around and admire the variety of goods available even in poorer sections of the marketplace. Much farther up the street, the basic essentials and common household goods gave way to exotic wares and colorful clothing.

I gazed in that direction longingly, but even though there was no rule about people walking by and looking, I didn't want to risk going into those sections in case a mage noticed me. I glanced back the way I had come, wondering if the booths on the other side of the wide road might have a sharpening stone or a sewing needle to replace the one I had broken several days ago.

Near the gate, the crowd parted as villagers and cityfolk alike drew back from the middle of the road. Heads turned to stare at something; even the sellers over there didn't call out to those around them. Warily, I moved to the side and pretended to be interested in the second-hand knives on display.

The seller was quick to point out several blades. "These are some of my finest steel and barely require any polishing." As he spoke, his eyes scanned me for clues that might help with this sale. Noticing my heavy cloak, durable shoes, and backpack, he quickly improvised his sales pitch. "But perhaps something like these are better suited for a lady who has to travel. They are light and small enough to easily hide in your clothing."

A hush fell around us, noticeable enough that even the knife seller looked up and gawked at something down the road. Abandoning my fake interest, I turned around. All trading came to a standstill as those nearby stared at the latest arrival.

The man strutting down the street had his chest puffed out, enjoying the attention and how people gave him more deference than they would have shown the King.

His leather jerkin was smooth and flawless, but it was the green dragon scales adorning his shoulders that heralded him as a dragon rider and made people draw back.

I slowly stepped to the side and hid behind a group of taller people while carefully adding more shields around my magic. As far as I could tell, everyone else was trying to get a better view. Some were even climbing onto crates and carts to see above the crowd. In the buildings overlooking the road, almost every window had people leaning out. The wisest people would have already slipped away.

Not a single trade took place as the rider paraded past. To blend into the sea of faces, I mimicked the curious and envious stares of those around me, although I focused on the building behind him to avoid any potential eye contact.

"Do you think I could be a dragon rider when I grow up, Papa?" a boy asked in a hushed voice, sitting on his father's shoulders as he watched with eyes wide with wonder.

"Never go near a dragon," the man quietly instructed the child, promptly setting him on the ground in an attempt to discourage such daydreams. "They're very dangerous. A dragon killed your Grandpa's uncle." He shepherded the boy away before he could protest.

I was in full agreement with the father and surreptitiously scanned the sky and the cliff beside the city. I didn't see the dragon but that didn't mean anything. Even here, where no one would dare lay a hand on the rider, the dragon would be keeping track of him, either from the sun-warmed cliff beside the city, by magic, or in more boring situations, simply by monitoring the bond they shared.

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