Chapter 3

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*Katerina's POV*

I stared at the dragon and mages below as the answers to all my previous questions became apparent. The mages had cast a cloaking spell and set wards because they were complete fools who were about to try forbidden magic.

Dragon riders didn't become riders by capturing a dragon, and they certainly didn't try to obtain that rank by using binding spells. But the history books were littered with accounts of power-hungry mages who used magic to control dragons.

This group had clearly never read to the end of those stories, or they would have known that mage riders rarely lived more than a few weeks. If the dragon itself didn't manage to overpower the spells, any other dragon it encountered would attack the mage.

I had no idea how this group had decided this was a good idea, but there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to avoid them at all costs. Not only would they be far too interested in my magic, but the instant the dragon got loose, it'd kill any human in the vicinity. Every fiber of my being screamed at me to slink away and wait near the top of the path until dawn.

The same voice from earlier called out, "Roy, make sure no one else is near this valley. Some parts of the binding spell can get loud and the last thing we want is company."

A man coming out of a tent replied, "Sure. It'll take half an hour to cast a proximity spell over such a large area, so I'll do it after we eat. The stew is probably close to being done."

Dread settled in my heart. A proximity spell would detect my presence and it wouldn't matter how well my magic was hidden since they were simply trying to locate people. It would take him a while to eat and cast the spell, but was that enough time for me to reach the top of the valley?

My eyes scoured the dimly lit area as I checked for horses. Much to my misfortune, I saw several tethered along the far tree line, away from the dragon. Their heavier build suggested they were cart horses, but they'd still make it far too easy for the mages to catch up.

The only way I was going to be able to escape was if the mages were too distracted to chase me, and it would have to be a big distraction since they'd assume I would report them for using forbidden spells.

I could only think of one thing that might work.

My eyes trailed back to the trapped dragon. The only thing confining it was the enchanted net and about fifty anchor ropes. I dropped my head into my hands as I realized exactly what I was considering. It was complete and utter madness.

Dragons were intelligent, but as enraged as this one undoubtedly was, it would lash out at any human, even one trying to free it. The mages weren't about to just sit by idly and watch me release their captive, and if I got close enough to cut the ropes, they'd be able to see me. And if they could see me, they'd have no problems aiming their spells at me.

The shafts of my arrows pressed into my side as if trying to remind me of their presence. I turned my speculative gaze to them. I pulled one out and examined the tip. It was definitely sharp enough to cut through rope, but the real question was if I could actually hit the rope.

I didn't need to worry about harming the dragon with my questionable aim since its scales were strong enough to stop spears and swords, nevermind a piddly arrow. But if I could sever several ropes from a safe distance, the dragon's first targets would be the mages. That ought to distract them sufficiently.

I hesitated, trying to think of any other option, but there were none. Stealing a horse wouldn't work. Even if there weren't theft prevention spells on the saddle, the mages would immediately notice.

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