Chapter 57

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Lorenzo Romano

A wave of pain shot through my back as I regained my consciousness. One after another gathered around me the moment I opened my eyes. Eli moved his fingers in front of me, and asked, "Can you tell what number is this?" I swatted away his fingers as I grumbled out, "I was shot in the back, not in the eyes." 

Looking around, I realised Reine was not here and immediately asked, "Where's Reine? Was she injured?" The heart monitor which was connected to me instantly shot up as I felt a small wave of panic arose in me. 

Before anyone tried to stop me from getting off the bed, Reine walked in. The rapid poundings of my heart instantly stopped at the sight of her, so did the heart monitor. She had a small tray of bandages and all sorts of things, as she moved forward towards my bed. 

She busied herself as she sort out the bandages in the tray, while the rest of them left the room to the both of us. I awkwardly scratched the back of my head, not knowing whether to continue standing or to sit back on the bed. 

"Sit down. You need to change the bandage." She commented, as I obediently sat on the edge of the bed. I turned my back facing her, as she slowly lifted up the back of my shirt, revealing the wound. 

As the antiseptic touched the wound, I hissed silently as a sharp pain flashed through the wound. 

"Thank you for saving me." My ears perked up. 

"You don't have to thank me, it's what I should do." I replied, as she finished applying the antiseptic cream and moved on to bandaging the wound.

"It's not your responsibility to ensure my safety, Lorenzo." The moment she placed the last tape on the bandage, I turned over and faced her. 

"I want to do this myself, not because you're a responsibility, but my sister." I may sound like a hypocrite for saying this, but it is nothing but the truth that I strongly believe. As long as I'm alive, I will always be ready to take a bullet for my sisters. 

"Take some rest, there's still some morphine left in your system." With that, she picked up the tray from the side of the bed and left me sitting on the bed. 

I wasn't talking like that because of the drugs, damn it.

Reine Parker

Disposing off the dirty bandages, I replaced them with new ones from the infirmary. Lorenzo's words were stuck in my head, unable to get it off no matter what I do. The way he behave was totally different from 4 years back, and that was something I could not get used to. Somehow I was used to how he would often make spiteful remarks to me and do some stupid shit that could get on my nerves. Seeing this side of him was certainly not within my expectations.

The fact that he took a bullet for me was the worse, because out of all people, I was owing him a favour for saving my life. Probably not till the extend that I could lose my life, but still, it did not feel good knowing that he was the one who saved me. 

Thinking back about the event that happened, I was feeling livid as many lives might have been lost if they had not arrived on time. Although no one was killed, several were injured because of our family feud. The patients could have died. Lorenzo could have died. I could have died as well.

Feeling the anger pumping through my veins, I quickly packed up the infirmary before heading downstairs. Just nice all of them were present in the living room when I entered. They immediately stopped whatever conversation they were having and turned their attention on me instead. 

"It's her, isn't  it?" That was the first question that shot out of my mouth, leaving Ezra and Alexander with their mouths agape. They nodded hesitantly at my question, proving that my suspicions were right.

"We are currently still tracking her down, and there are some small leads here and there, though we might need some time to decipher everything and put them together. We believe that she doesn't know that we've found out that she's still alive, that's why she hadn't start hiding her tracks yet." Alexander explained.

"What would you do, if you manage to catch her?" I knew how much they loved her as a mother when they were young, so they might not be able to get rid of her if they were to ever get their hands on her. But the situation we have now was a totally different story, she was going out of her way trying to end us, and I won't let that happen again. Not in front of me.

"We would get rid of her, for good this time. To avenge for father's death, the years that you've suffered and the childhood that Ari lost." Alexander replied sternly, with no hint of hesitance in his tone. A part of me felt relieved because at least he was not going to be soft hearted towards the woman whom he once called mother. 

I just hoped that he would promise what he had said this time, and not go back on his words.

Because saying it was easier than executing the action itself.

updated! this may be my last update before I head off for a hiatus as I have many upcoming tests and assignments due BCJKWDBCKJEWCIJNEWC so may not be able to update frequently (will definitely squeeze out some time if possible!) 

will be back soon and look forward to seeing all of yall again!!! in the meantime, do remember to stay safe and healthy! <3 

Happy reading! -16/11/2022

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