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I sat in Willow's living room on the couch.

I missed Jasper so much!

Willow said"well looks like you cant go anywhere for a while because I just saw a dark wich out the window on her broom.At least I trim mine ratty face evil wich bich!"

I said"wow calm down Willow!You got worked up over nothing!"

She said"yeah,your right but she was the friend I was letting you about"

I said"Can we watch some TV?"

She said"oh,yeah what do you want to watch?I have broom history,spellology,wichology,Light Vs.Dark,Yin-Yang........."

I asked"What's Yin-Yang?"

She said"wow,get cofterable because I have a ancient story to tell you!"

I got cofterable like Willow said to and she tould the story well actualy its what the symbol means.

Willow said"The outer circle means "everything", while the black and white shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two, called "yin" (black) and "yang" (white. )Things in life are not completely black or white, and they cannot exist without each other.( Good or bad)

While "yin" would be dark, cold, contracting, and weak, "yang" would be bright, active, upward, and strong. The shape of the yin and yang it balances movement of these two.It is not filled with Light nor Dark!"

As she finished her "interesting" story she got a phone call.

Her ringtone was "Radioactive"by Imagine Dragons.

I was wondering who would be calling her.She has no new friends exsept me so Who would be calling her?


Who is calling Willow?

Info of Yin-yang:




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