Chapter 2 - Flynn

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I have yet another interview for an assistant. I don't understand why no one can do the fucking role. I've burned through five assistants in the last twelve months. Okay, so it may have to do with me, but let's be honest, if you can't handle a slight correction, then is it me? Or is it you? The last guy couldn't even fill a fucking stapler without an instruction manual.

I look down at the screen, Ellie Hudson. A recent graduate with a degree in Marketing. Excellent reviews from her last internship. She's my final interview today, and I hope she's good because if I do this again tomorrow, I will lose my fucking mind. I rub my forehead to ward off the migraine rearing its ugly head. 

Running my own business has always been challenging, but now that we keep getting bigger, more clients and demand means more of my time. I need everyone on board to be just as dedicated as I am. I don't think I'm asking for fucking much. 

Two soft knocks at the door, signalling it's once again time. I don't bother looking up as I reply to an email, but when I do, I have to look again. Ellie Hudson walks in, and I praise myself for stifling a groan. She's a walking wet dream. Blonde hair swishes with each step; Her toned legs look a mile high for someone who couldn't be more than 5 foot 5—bright green eyes and the poutiest mouth I've ever seen. 

I've never been this physically attracted to someone right off the bat, especially someone I've never spoken to. Tina, my receptionist, shows her to the seat in front of my own. She's all soft lines and curves. Petite, yet she causes me to feel somewhat small in her presence. Again, this has yet to happen. I can stand in a room full of hundreds and never feel minuscule, Her doe eyes take me in, and I don't miss the appreciative glance. I'm not ugly by any means; I know what I look like. Yeah, that might sound cocky, but it's the fucking truth. 

We haven't spoken yet. But my dick is at full attention. I feel like a fucking creep. Her resume said that she's twenty-four, seven years younger than me. Albeit not that big of a gap, but enough to know I can't touch her. Thankful for the desk shielding her view of my crotch. 

I blow a breath through my nose. 

"Ms Hudson," I say, extending my hand toward her. Her fingers grasp along my own.

 Her hand is small, encased in mine, skin soft as silk, and I picture it holding my dick as she takes me in her mouth. My pants tighten. Fuck I need help. No, I need a fucking lay; it's been over six months since I had the time to find someone to warm my bed, and my hand isn't fucking cutting it anymore.

"Please, call me Ellie." She replies, her cheeks tinged pink as she removes her hand and places it in her lap.

"Flynn." I hear myself reply. I don't know why I felt the need to say that. My employees all call me Mr Stone, especially my assistants. She doesn't say anything, just nods. I cut to the chase because if she stays here longer than ten minutes, I'll have a fucking case of blue balls.

"Why do you want to work here, Ellie?" 

She looks up at me; her face looks different somehow than it did a few seconds ago, younger, more vulnerable, maybe. 

"I majored in Marketing; I love working with people. It's fast-paced, and you can influence others with the way you market something or someone. You get to help create a story in some way. I'm a hard worker, especially when it's something I'm passionate about." She's still talking, but I'm only half paying attention; I'm more focused on her perfect mouth, the way she's licking her lip slightly as she speaks. She's beaming, and I find my lip lifting into a smile. I quickly mask my expression into one of indifference. But I can't help but like her answer; she speaks with conviction, with passion. Ellie reminded me of myself when I started this company. 

"As my assistant, you won't work directly with companies and clients, but you will be around them as you organise meetings and schedule events for me. Will that bore you, Ms Hudson?" She shakes her head. 

"No, I know this position is working under you, and I'm happy to do whatever it takes to get the job done." 

Her words are innocent enough, but I'll be damned if they don't make my cock twitch. I imagine her doing that, taking me as I slam into her, those big green eyes looking at me as i... Fuck. I need to cut this interview short. I know I can't hire her, given that I'm struggling not to cum in my pants like a fifteen-year-old boy just by having to sit near her. Still, she's also the best interview I've had over the past few days; Ellie is passionate about being here, and why should I punish her by not giving her an opportunity? Just because I can't fucking seem to control myself? I'm at war internally, yet I hear the words tumble from my mouth before I can return them.

"Be here tomorrow at 8 am sharp for your first day." Ellie's smile takes up her entire face; I will regret this. I fucking know it.

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