chapter seventeen

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It's been almost a full week that I've been ignoring Charlie.

I guess he realized after I wouldn't talk to him on Tuesday that he's in trouble and there's a real problem between us now.

I haven't been trying to focus on it though, instead channeling all my energy into positive things like soccer.

Oh yeah, we're back in the playoffs!!!!

And the best part about this year is that Ella can actually play. When I tell you that it's going to make such a difference. She's the type of player who can completely change a team and the way they play.

Speaking of playoffs, our first game is today. We're playing Hill-Murray again, and I feel a huge sense of déjà vu as our bus pulls into their campus.

I have a bit of anxiety, because this game could swing either way. HM has been really good this year, and we haven't played them yet because of the way our schedule was made. So I think it's okay to say I'm a little nervous.

As we walk onto the field, my immediate instinct is to scan the crowd. I see a bunch of HM teams, including the boys hockey team. Alex is among the group, and I see his expression change completely when he sees Ella. I don't think I realized how much he actually liked her, because his expression is filled with hurt and disappointment. When I glance over at Ella, she's just looking straight ahead.

I feel bad for Alex, I really do. But all of us, including him, knew without a doubt that Ella was going to end up with Adam no matter what.

We set our bags down on the bench and start our dynamic warmup. Just as we're setting up the cones for our pregame drills, I hear a bunch of cheering coming from the stands.

I look over to see the entire Ducks team in the stands, along with a bunch of other kids from school. Fulton and Connie are both sixteen already and they both have their licenses. I guess they took it upon themselves to make the drive out here and bring everyone along, which I'm super grateful for.

I guess it helps that today is Friday and we don't have school tomorrow. Otherwise, I can't realistically see them making the hour drive on a school night.

Even though I don't want to, a part of me searches the group for Charlie. I find him quickly, and I notice that he's wearing one of my sweatshirts. Anything that's oversized on me fits him perfectly, and I find that kind of funny.

Regardless, I'm still mad at him and look away almost as quickly as I find him. I know he's here to support me, but he hurt me really badly and I don't want to forgive him so easily.

I don't even know if he realizes how badly he's hurt me, because he seems to be living his normal life other than trying to talk to me. That hurts even worse than what he did in the first place.

I guess I got too into my thoughts, because Justine starts shaking me to tell me that it's my turn to shoot. I quickly apologize and approach the net, shooting for the bottom left corner and scoring easily.

We go for a few more rotations before the buzzer sounds and Coach calls us over to the bench. We go over the starting lineup and what we need to do to win, and by the time I take the field in my position as the right outside midfielder, I'm feeling more confident than ever.

We got this.

The whistle blows, and off we go. Justine passes it back to Tatum, who's a center mid, and she starts the attack. The HM defenders block her from advancing forward, so she passes it back to Ella, who moves it quickly to Morgan on the outside, and she starts an attack from out of the back.

I find a patch of space, so I start sprinting down the line. I cut into the middle, beating out a defender, and yell for Morgan to pass it. She sends a long pass over three girls, and it lands right in front of my feet. I quickly make a move around the last defender, staying on-sides, and start for the net.

The goalie comes out to challenge, but I know I can get it past her. I just can't overthink this. I take two touches before firing a shot to the top left corner, and it sails past her into the net.

The crowd and our bench burst into cheers, as all my teammates come running down the field to celebrate with me. A 1-0 lead just a minute in? I can totally work with this.

After the first half, we're up 2-0. A Tatum goal off of a Blayke pass was added with just under three minutes to go. The only thing we need to do is keep up the pressure and don't back down.

HM starts with the ball at the start of the second half, since they're the home team. I don't know what their coach said to them, but they look like a completely different team.

Halfway through, the game is tied at two. I'm standing on the sideline with the rest of my team when I hear, "Ross, get over here!"

I jog over to Hofmann and listen to him angrily rant about how we're blowing the lead and I need to change that. I'm not exactly sure what he expects me to do, since I'm an outside midfielder and the forwards mostly control the offense, but whatever.

When the ball comes out, I'm subbed in. I know I have so many eyes on me, especially because I think I've been playing the best soccer game of my life.

Morgan throws the ball over my head, and I'm off to the races. Since Aaliyah is heading for the ball, I cut into her spot in the middle. She beats the girl and sprints up the field, then feeds me a beautiful cross. I use all the power I have to jump as high as I can and my head connects with the ball, sailing it into the back of the net.

My body fills with excitement as I watch the ball go in, and I know that Hofmann is losing it right now. When I look back at him as all my teammates rush towards me, I'm right. He's jumping up and down while holding his hat on his head with one of his hands.

The rest of the game goes by extremely slow, but we win and that's what matters. The entire Eden Hall crowd is cheering so loudly that you would think we're the home team.

When I get on the bus and settle down in my seat, I see a text from Charlie, telling me how proud he is of me and if we're still hanging out tomorrow night. I smile at it, even though I'm still hurt. I don't know why he's acting like he did nothing wrong, but it's really aggravating.

Whatever, I don't have the time for this. I put my phone in my pocket, lean my head on Morgan's shoulder, and close my eyes, instead focusing on the amazing game I had today and the rest of the potential playoff run that we have ahead of us.

hi guys so i just wanted to say sorry for this random chapter lol i really don't know where i want this story to go like i have the ideas just not how to time it out if that makes sense, i'm just kind of rolling with it. also i'm actually pretty proud of this chapter so i hope you guys like it! see you soon byeeee <3

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