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tw: This chapter contains mentions of eating disorders. Read with caution.


I peeled my heavy, swollen eyes open and caught a glimpse of Malfoy's golden hair before I let them shut again. He was leaned against the work desk with his arms crossed over his chest. His white dress shirt was tucked into his black pants, and his leather belt held everything in place.

"Get up and eat some breakfast. Blaise is waiting for you in your dorm." Draco pulled the comforter off of me and pushed a plate from the Great Hall across his desk.

"Not hungry." I mumbled while I sat up. I pulled my wild hair up with a scrunchie off my wrist and rubbed my eyes until the burning finally felt eased.

"You never are." He remarked in a mumble. I looked up at him with a tired scowl, and his usual persona had made a return with the morning sun. "Don't pretend that's a secret you're pissed I know either. You probably weigh 100 pounds, if that, and you avoid meals at all costs. When you do come down to the dining hall, you don't do anything but cling to Montague-"

"Where is he?" I asked him feverishly at the mention. "Graham? I want to see him." I stood from the bed and slipped my slippers on my feet to make my escape.

"I'm not finished talking." Draco stepped in front of me to stop me from leaving. "When's the last time you ate a real meal, anyway?" He asked me curiously. "It looks like you haven't had one in months." He said deeply. He wasn't speaking like he cared or like he was actually interested. He was speaking like he just wanted to get another detail to attach to his board of secrets he had sorted away in his brain. He craved more information to chew up and spit back out at me for his own convenience.

"I eat meals all the time. The question you want to ask, but you're avoiding is 'how often do you keep the meal in your system without forcing it back up?'" I bit back at him fiercely. We had gone right back to square one— an area we were always meant to be in. One where I was sick of him and his shit, and he only knew how to be a condescending dick.

"I want to help you." He kept his voice neutral as he ignored my bitterness. He was a pathetic liar.

"You suddenly have the cure to bulimia? Or were you talking about the abuse part again?" I chuckled dryly as I held a harsh gaze with his emotionless face. "It's never going to end y'know. If it's not Graham, it'll be be my father when I have to go back to him. Quit saying you want to help." I told him hoarsely. "This is how my life is supposed to be, Malfoy. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be going this way to begin with. Make like me, and just accept it." I picked a biscuit up from the plate and took a bite out of it.

"Did that tickle your fancy? Can I go find my boyfriend now?" I asked him while I glanced towards the door.

"Eat the plate. Go to your room and talk to Blaise. Quit trying to make Montague out to be a saint." Draco listed like he was in charge of me. "After you let Blaise check on you, I could give two shits what you do." He told me as he picked up his wand and tucked it away in his pocket.

"What happened to helping me? Already giving up like the others?" I chuckled while I ate the other half of the biscuit.

"I don't see a reason to waste my time if you don't want it. I have more important things in my life than you." He shrugged. The comment stung, even if it shouldn't have. It was just a reminder that no one ever cared, and no one ever would.

"So does everyone else. Guess I'll be seeing you." I grabbed my things and headed for the door.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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