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My eyes flutter open, the next morning, against my will. I blink a few times to clear up my vision. Once my vision is clear, I recognize this room as Lashawn's. One arm is wrapped around my waist, while the other arm is curled around my neck.  I roll my eyes at how clingy men can get in their sleep.

I reach out to the nightstand. I grab my phone to check the time. It's 8 currently and we got class in an hour.

"Yo." I call out, gently smacking Lashawn's arm.

Lashawn lowly groans in response, but doesn't stir otherwise.

"C'mon Shawn, you gotta get up." I press on, adding a bit more force to my hits.

Lashawn groans like a toddler now as he presses his body further into mine. "Don't wanna."

His voice sounds very nice like that when it's ridden with sleep - God, lemme refocus.

"You're gonna have to." I chuckle, "I can't afford to miss another class."

He sucks his teeth before replying, "You're right. Just gimme a second."

Removing his arm from my neck, he brings it down to wrap around my waist. Suddenly, Lashawn buries his head in my neck and next thing I know, lips are pressing into the skin there. Although I roll my eyes while Lashawn places multiple kisses on my neck, a smile decorates my lips anyways.

My hands come to rest on top of his. I tilt my head, giving him more room to work with. Once my eyes close, that's when I know I'm losing myself in the moment. A second later, they snap open.

"Aye nigga, stop tryna distract me." I tell him, pushing his head away.

"It was working though." Lashawn points out with a smirk.

"Shut up and let's get ready now." I demand as I move to stand.

Lashawn gets up as well. Luckily for us, we both took a shower from the night before. So, we go to the bathroom to brush our teeth. I absentmindedly give my teeth a good scrub. When I look in the mirror, I find Lashawn eyeing me softly.

I puff out my cheeks, making him laugh. Once again, I shake my head at him, but find myself smiling at him anyways. A few seconds later, my eyes widen in realization.

I am falling hard.

And fast.

Over the smallest shit too. I need to get it together. Next thing I know, imma just say fuck the whole talking shit and make him my boyfriend right now.

Lashawn and I wash out our mouths before returning to his bedroom.

"Yo Shawn." I said, while walking up to my duffel bag.

"Yea wassup?" He questions.

"Are you doing anything this afternoon?" I ask.

"Besides sleeping, doing homework, eating, and more sleeping? Nah." Lashawn replies.

"What a routine." I said sarcastically, "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Lashawn perks up immediately in amidst of putting his shirt on. "The fuck do you mean would I like to go on a date with you?! Fuck that damn homework!" He exclaims.

I burst out laughing at his enthusiasm.

"So what we gonna do?" Lashawn questions as he puts on the rest of his shirt.

"Is Andretti's and then Sugar Factory okay witchu?" I ask back.

"Hell yea!" He nods, "Imma beat ya ass at shooting hoops."

"Unlikely." I snort, "You barely making a free throw during a crucial point in a game."

"Boy, fuck you." Lashawn retorts, "At least I can actually touch the rim."

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