30 - Baby

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Seeing my best friend holding a baby in his arms, his baby, makes me want to have one. All my life, I have thought that I would never get married and have children like normal people. My life was set on becoming the next boss of the Spanish mafia and making sure all the people fear me. But ever since I came back, I switched and it is all because of Valeria. She is at fault, but I am glad she is. Without her, I would have never felt this beautiful yet scary feeling.

"What will you name her?" I ask Johnny, whose job to look after the baby while Cassie sleeps.

"I don't know, maybe, Eveline?" he replies.

"Eveline? Seriously? That is a beauty line," Valeria comments, earning a glare from Johnny.

"What Valeria is trying to see is that Eveline is a beautiful name, but is used a lot," I say, causing Val to roll her eyes.

"This baby is too cute for Eveline, how about Lily?" Valeria suggests.

"Name your daughter Lily, leave mine alone," Johnny replies, narrowing his eyes at Valeria.

They have been so close lately, almost besties. I do feel jealous sometimes, I admit, but I know that it is only friendship, and besides, he loves Cassie and Val loves me.

"I found it!" Johnny yells, scaring the shit out of the baby and making her cry. "Oh, no, no, baby, calm down!"

Valeria shakes her head and takes the baby girl from Johnny. She immediately quiets down, shocking Johnny and I.

"Are you a baby whisperer?" I ask.

"Maybe," she replies with a grin.

"So, what is the name?" Valeria asks Johnny.


"Oh my god, I love it!" Valeria squeals, startling the baby again and making her cry.

I shake my head this time and take the baby from Valeria. "You two are not good for this baby. I am taking her to my room," I say and leave.

She keeps crying for a bit before calming down and going back to sleep.

I sit on my bed and hold her close to my chest. She looks precious and so cute. I want to wash her with kisses, especially her chubby cheeks.

Is this what is called baby fever?

I guess...

"You know, if auntie Valeria wants kids, I will have one like you. You can be friends with my daughter or son."

"I know you can barely open your eyes, but I am sure you are understanding me, right?" I grin like a stupid kid.

I hear a giggle coming from the door and when I glance to my right, I see Valeria standing behind the door laughing at me.

"Valeria? How long have you been standing there?" I ask, holding the baby close to my chest.

"Long enough to hear everything you said," she replies, walking into the room and sitting beside me. Her arm touches mine, making me sigh in relief that she is not weirded out or scared of what she just heard.

"Are you...mad?" I ask hesitantly, wanting to make sure.

"Mad about what?" she asks, furrowing her brows.

"Mad about what I said earlier."

She smiles shyly and replies, "Of course, not. I am actually glad you said it because I feel the same."

"You do?" My brows rise upward, surprised.

"Yes, Enzo."

I sigh in relief. "Good because I really mean what I said."

She smiles and looks at her lap. "So...Val."

"Yeah?" She looks up.

"Would it be too soon if we moved things further?" I ask, referring to being engaged.

"No, it wouldn't."


* * *

In the evening, after fighting over the new baby and handing her to Cassie and Johnny, I finally have the time to speak with my mother about Valeria. I was not kidding when I said I want to propose to her and I will. I just need assistance and how should I do it.

I am not going to lie, it is nerverackinng, especially when I want it to be perfect because she does not deserve anything less than that. She makes me want to better myself, not only for her, but for my family and our future kids. She makes me to want to be a better man.

I find my mother in the living room along with everyone else. I call her and she looks at me in confusion as if asking what's wrong. I wave my hand and tell her to follow me.

We walk outside to the backyard.

The weather is chilly and the moon shines under the beautiful dark sky. The bench in the backyard faced directly the moon.

"What is it, honey? Is something wrong with you and Valeria?" My mother asks worriedly as she sits beside me on the bench and faces me.

"No, mom, everything is good. I just..."

"Tell me, what is it?"

"I want to propose to her..."

"Oh.My.God. Seriously?"

"I don't know why, but I heard your words in Janice's voice from Friends," I say, cringing.

My sisters forced me in the past to watch friends. I used to hate it, but I got attached later on and couldn't stop watching. Now, we watch episodes every christmas.

Suddenly, my mother laughs like Janice.

"Oh, god," I say, shaking my head.

"Anyways, son, I fully support your decision and I think it is time to make things official with Valeria, but I got to tell you a few things first."


"If you hurt her, Lorenzo González, I will bury you alive, where no one finds you, son or not."

"You know me, mom, I would never hurt Valeria," I reply.

"Yeah, yeah, that is what they all say at first."


"Just kidding, I trust you, Lorenzo," she replies with a grin.

"Do you?" I ask, wipping her grin off. "Just kidding, mom, jeez."

"I can only joke, Lorenzo, don't pull that shit again," she scolds. "Of course, I trust you. You are my son."

"I am sorry," I say.

"It's okay, darling. Anyways, how do you want to do it?" She asks, looking behind us to see if there is anyone listening to iurs conversation.

"That is actually why I am talking to you, mom. I need your help."

"Well, I don't know. I think it should come from you."

"Thanks, mom. That helps."

"Shut up, but seriosuly. I feel you should think of a way to propose to her and not me."

"Any tips?"

"Don't take too long," she says and taps my shoulder. "I have to go back or else, your father is going to scold you for taking me away from him for too long."

I roll my eyes and smile. "Fine. Thank you, mom."

"You are very welcome. Now go and plan that thing out."


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