16. Desired

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Hailey Aspen-

I sat there, drinking the hot chocolate I usually got.

I couldn't read. I couldn't focus on anything but the door and the boy bound to walk through it.

My heart raced when he walked in, giving me a smile before pointing to the front to order something and I nodded.

My eyes were glued to the back of him.

His black jeans, his thin winter coat but thick enough to still never let you see what could be underneath.

But I knew he always wore a hoodie underneath so it still won't give anything.

His black hair was messy but in the best way, he was tall. Broad. Everything.

I know it's early, I do. But considering what he had already done for me had my head spinning.

He came over with a sandwich with a hot chocolate.

He pulled the chair next to me, sitting down.

He grabbed his stuff from his backpack setting it on the table.

While he ate, I looked at what he wanted to learn.

I wrote down practice problems, writing the steps beside it in his notebook.

When he was done I led him through it all, doing the first one for him.

"Ohhh okay." He nodded, doing the rest of the practice ones to see if he got it down and when he did he began doing the legit ones for his homework.

"You're staring." He mumbled, writing things down.

"It's hard not too." I answered, slightly embarrassed.

He smiled, but continued to do his work.

I still helped him when there was an extra step, but he got it. And he did really well.

"Do you not need me anymore?" I frowned.

"I might not." He sighed, sitting back and crossing his arms.

"Wow." I sighed, faking disappointment.

"I know. I'm pretty sure this is when I pack up and say goodbye." He raised his eyebrows, grabbing his things.

"No. Don't do that." I frowned.

He laughed.

"I'm not going anywhere I'm just putting my stuff back." He said and I watched him do that, clearing the table.

"That was too fast. You need to be stupider." I told him and he smiled.

"Or, I can be as smart but we have more time together for more than just teaching me things." He shrugged.

"True." I nodded.

"Have you eaten?" He asked.

"No. I wasn't hungry." I shook my head.

"Wasn't as in still not?" He quirked a brow.


"Eat lunch then?" He nodded.

"I will." I told him.

"Okay." He he sipped his drink.

I wanted to talk to him. But I didn't know what about. I wanted to hug him but that'd be awkward since I don't have a reason. I want to be held by him but that'd be pushy.

"Am I too clingy?" I asked and he looked shocked.

"Why?" He set his drink down, putting his hands in his pockets.

"I feel like I am. Or I will be." I was skeptical.

"No. You're just fine." He told me.

"Okay." I whispered.

He smiled, looking away from me and at his lap.

"You're overthinking." He whispered.

"I know." I nodded.

"Don't." He looked at me, his black eyes full of sincerity.

"It's hard." I smiled.

"Walk with me." He stood, grabbing his backpack.

I stood as well, grabbing my bag.

We put our things in our cars before walking.

"Why's it hard?" He asked.

"Because I'm a very specific classification of girl I guess." I told him and he grabbed my hand, holding it before putting our intertwined hands in his coat pocket.

"Meaning?" He pushed.

"I'm cute. I'm pretty. I'm a girl you go on dates with. I'm a girl you hold hands with and go on drives with and have intellectual conversations with. You'd never be able to take me to a club, I'm not sexy or hot, I'm not desired like that. Nothing about me can arouse someone naturally, I'm just not like that. And you are." I confessed and he hummed.

"I am?" He smirked.

"Well yeah. You're handsome and you're hot and the fact that you're a romantic and smart is such a perk because it's hard to find that in a really hot guy." I told him and he laughed.

"You're insecure then?" He studied me.

"Yeah. I am." I nodded.

He hummed, pulling me in a shaded place, between two buildings.

"Hailey." He pulled me so I was directly in front of him.

"What?" I grew nervous.

"I've been around a lot of hot girls growing up. I've been around hot girls with decent values and personalities. I've been around the cute and pretty ones. But they're typically shy as hell and don't want to talk to anyone." He walked forward, my back hitting the brick behind me, but it was a gentle hit.

He let my hands go, them falling on my waist over my jacket.

"And you're right. You are pretty and cute and gorgeous and adorable. I would love to take you on dates and drives and have good conversation with you." He nodded, stepping closer so our abdomens were barely touching.

So many clothes yet it felt like nothing.

"But you also smell so fucking good and look so good in your shorts and hoodies. Your eye contact and your dimple make my head spin. The skirt and tight shirt you wore last night made me lose my breath and your lips make it very hard for me to be this close to you." He grabbed my chin, holding it with his cold hand.

My heart stammered in my chest. His eyes boring into mine.

"You have nothing to be insecure about. You're very desired." He whispered and I gasped when his warm lips touched my forehead.

I shut my eyes, my body shaking with adrenaline.

He pulled me to him, my arms immediately wrapping around his body.

I shut my eyes, his presence making me dizzy.

He laid his chin on my head and I was heaving from the ache between my legs.

For as long as I held onto him, he never once faltered his grip on me.

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