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**Days Later**

~Ophelia's POV~

I stared at the envelope in my hands, can't believe what is in my hands right now. A promotion letter to be Demetrius' personal Secretary.


How possible is that?

Do you want to know the worst part of it all?

I am now the only worker Demetrius picks on, loves more, and gives more attention. He already made me have more enemies than friends. And now I am his secretary. Could things get better than this?

I exhaled and slumped on the chair. I have not even used up to a month and now I am promoted to the post of Personal Secretary.

I seriously don't understand this boss of mine.

Anyways, I have got no choice as I need to get with work to prevent him from lashing out at me as usual.

My telephone rang, bringing my attention to it. I picked it with great reluctance and placed it close to my right ear. "The boss requests for your presence in his office immediately." She said and a frown crossed my face. As usual, always called me to his office immediately.

I exhaled and stood up. I adjusted my skirt before walking out of the office.

"I don't know what she used on the boss, she has not even used up to a month and she has already gotten promoted." I heard a voice murmur. I shook my head and walked into the elevator.

See what this boss of mine is making me pass through.

I walked towards the Secretary and she gave me this kind of eyes that I frowned my face. I walked into the office only to see a smirk on my boss's face. I wish I could clean off that smirk.

I scoffed mentally and wore this blank expression.

"I guess you should be happy about your promotion." He said with a smile that did not reach his face.

"I appreciate your kindness, Sir." That was all I said and that seemed to annoy him.

"Anyways, you are starting work now. We already found a replacement for your job." He said as if it was nothing.

Well, that was so quick.

"Thank you, Sir," I said again with a slight bow. He handed me a tablet and some files.

"This includes my schedule for today and all. Take a look and we set out." He said. I reluctantly collected it and went through it. Trust me, I know not a word in this.

I looked at him after going through it and nodded my head as I understood it. He smiled and stood up.

"What is the first thing on my schedule?" He asked me. But I knew he was testing me.

"A meeting with SaintBlue companies," I said.

SaintBlue? Where have I heard that name from?

Seems so familiar to me.

"Okay then, let's move." He said and we both exited the office with him leading the way.

We walked into the elevator and came out into the meeting hall. Demetrius made sure to adjust his shirt before walking in.

The people that were sitting stood up as soon as they saw him. I ignored them all and took a seat close to Demetrius.

But then I looked up and I locked gaze with someone I never thought I would see in my life again. Maybe in the next life but this... It was impossible even if I was told. But here he was seated in front of me. My heart skipped a beat. Now I see why that name sounded so familiar.

He seemed to be as shocked as I am. Well, I don't blame him.

Then I heard someone clear his throat. I swallowed lightly.

"Mr. Jeremy, can you state your presentation?" Demetrius asked him while he sent me a random glare.

"Hmmm, yes... Sure..." With that, he stood up and started explaining things. My heart was beating like a drum that I had a hard time trying to regulate my breath.



"Will send you a reply," Demetrius said after Jeremy was done with his explanation. They all packed their files.

The meeting had just ended and I noticed Jeremy gaze on me as I talked with Demetrius. Well, you could say, I forced myself to speak to him as I was trying to avoid Jeremy.

He nodded his head and we both walked out of the meeting hall.

I released a huge amount of air as we got to Demetrius' office. It was as if I was suffocated in that meeting hall with Jeremy.

I am very sure I did not let him concentrate just as much as I could.

We had two other meetings with different companies before Demetrius decided that it was so gentlemanly of him to let me go home even after he stressed me out.

I walked out of the reception, looking at the wristwatch. Gosh, it read 5:37 PM.

Kelly would not be back by now, I guess. I walked through the packing lounge and just as I was about to take a corner, I felt a hand pull me by my hand. I gasped and faced the person. Only to see Jeremy, my eyes went wide open.

"What are you doing, Jeremy?" I asked him as I tried to wriggle my hand out of his. And he smiled. He fvcking smiled?!

"I am quite satisfied that you have not forgotten my name." He said and took a sniff from my hair. I grimaced and tried releasing myself from his grip.

"Stop it. You won't be able to get away today. I mean, I have been trying to get you to talk to me and see what fate did for me. No, for us. I missed you." He said it like he was obsessed. I tried squirming out of his grip but it was all fruitless.

"I told you that you should stop trying to move away from me. I am not letting you go anymore." He yelled at me and pulled me closer to him, making me almost puke as I sniffed his cologne. Gone are the days where I would be blushing for his Cologne. He seems to have forgotten that we were in the parking lounge. He pushed the back door of the car open and pushed me in, making me fall on the chair. I tried yelling out but he climbed on top of me and placed his hands on my lips. I wriggled, squirmed, and tried biting him but he was so hard. He tried kissing me but I bit on his lips.

"Fvcking B*tch." He hissed out angrily and landed a slap on my right cheek. I used the chance to yell out.

Just as he was about to kiss me forcefully again, I felt him being pulled away from me.

Then one... Two... Three... Four... Punches on his face was all I heard.

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