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After kook was ok he left for his home as he have many things to do to prove tae his love......


Next day.....

Tae walked down ready to leave for his work....he opened the main door but didn't expected a bouquet of flowers placed on the floor.....

He looked around but there was no one....he bend and took the bouquet in his hands ...a small note caught his attention...so picked it .....

'my bear....

Good morning my lovely bear.....I am sorry for whatever I did....and I promise I will never do it again.....so this is the symbol of that promise and my love.....have a nice day ......


He read that note with a blank face....than scrambled the note and throwed it in the dustbin and gave that bouquet to Anna to throw them too .......

Kook signed when he saw all this hiding behind a tree Infront of tae's house...... it's not easy to get tae's forgiveness but he won't stop too.....he will try his best and prove his love for tae.....


Next day kook again put the flowers but it was again thrown by tae.....

Currently tae was working in his cabin it was around afternoon and a knock came from his door....he asked the person to come in..... yeonjun walked in with a tray which had two cups in it.....

Tae became confused and asked"I had my hot chocolate just some hours ago why are you bringing it again"but in response yeonjun shook his head and placed the tray on the desk....

"It's strawberry and banana milk"yeonjun said....

"Did I asked you to bring it"tae asked with a raised eyebrow.....but yeonjun shook his head....

"Than why you brought this-"tae got cut off when the door was pushed open a d a voice came....

"I asked him to bring it....thank you yeonjun"kook came and thanked yeonjun who nodded and left from the cabin....

"And who said you to come here"tae asked with his cold voice which kook hate the most.....

"No one ....why can't I come to my bear's office"kook asked wiggling his eyebrows....

"No you can't"tae deadpanned making kook to look embarrassed....

"Fine but I can come to my business partner's office right"kook asked....

"Yeah only if you have work"tae said...

"Of course I have work....."kook said dramatically

"Than tell me"tae spoke....

"I want to take you for lunch today"kook said...

"Sorry I don't go out with my business partner's"tae shrugged....

"Than come with me as a friend tae"kook said in a weak voice.....

"Friend??if you are my friend than why you left me "tae asked....

"Because I am a fool.....but you are not....just once... please"kook said in a pleading tone ...tae signed....

"I will think about it for now leave"tae spoke but kook didn't even budge from his place...."what"tae asked....

"Think about it till than I am sitting here only"kook spoke making tae to roll his eyes....

"Fine I will come"he spoke and kook smiled brightly....

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