The Meeting

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Long, black hair that was smooth and lustrous cascaded down his body till it hit the centre of his back. Feline eyes sparkle as he observes the lovely scene in front of him. His skin was as smooth as the finest silk, and he had soft, round cheeks. His face was charmingly decorated with moles, a little button nose, and pink, luscious lips that were stretched into a small smile. Taehyung observed the cherry blossom petals slowly falling to the ground. He dips his brush into a paint pot and attempts to paint the scene in front of him on the canvas. The cherry blossom trees stood tall and strong, yet elegantly, in a line along the lake's edge and It's lovely image reflected in the lake's clear water. As he fumbled with brushes, his childhood friend Hoseok, an alpha who was now his chief guard, stood nearby.

"Tae, have you decided on any of the proposals?"

"No, they're all boring; no one interests me," Taehyung shrugs.

Taehyung's mother had bribed Hoseok with her hand-cooked beef bone stew to get Taehyung to agree to marry any of the princes who had sent courting proposals.

"Do you have someone particular in mind?" Hoseok arches his brows.

At that, Taehyung's cheeks turned an involuntary pink. Hoseok notices this and becomes curious. "Really? Who is it?"

"Alpha King Jeon Jungkook, of the Jeon Kingdom," Taehhyung says softly. Hoseok's face morphs into confusion.

"But the Jeon Kingdom didn't send any proposals?"

Taehyung rolls his eyes as he faces Hoseok. "So what? send them a courting proposal."

"But Tae, they're like a really strong and powerful kingdom, and the King is sought after by literally all the other kingdoms. Our kingdom is a small and peaceful one; would they prefer us?" Taehyung glares at Hoseok, offended, and Hoseok immediately adds, "Tae, I didn't mean you were any less; you are literally one of the most beautiful omegas I have ever seen, and you also have a lot of Kings and Princes after you, but it's just that you know how many of the kings marry to strengthen their kingdom; they marry to get more land and stronger soldiers, and I'm afraid we lack in that."

Taehyung takes a moment to think. "I have heard a lot about His Majesty's adventures. How he's a brave and a strong warrior but yet how kind and gentle he treats his people and actually I saw a glimpse of him when we went to the festival in their capital last year. Taehyung shyly smiles, " He's so good looking".

Hoseok chuckles at his friend's whipped face. " Well, they're actually true, Alpha Jeon is a very capable and kind leader."

Taehyungs nods enthusiastically. " That's what I'm saying, send them a proposal, there no harm in trying right?, you talk to mother please, Taehyung shows his puppy eyes to Hoseok who snorts. " You know how I can't say no to that eyes, you cunning omega! Taehyung grins brightly.

Jungkook stood in front of the large mirror as the servants draped the clothes on him. "No mother, reject it as nicely as possible," Jungkook says, looking at his appearance in the mirror.

His mother, the queen, sighs as she says, "But, son, you didn't even look at the omega's sketch. The Kim kingdom is nice. They're one of the oldest dynasties and are really sophisticated, kind, and easygoing. They're nearly in a state of peace with almost all of the kingdoms, and I heard the prince himself is a sight to see."

Jungkook turns around as he finishes getting ready,

"That's why they're still small and vulnerable. I am not marrying out of love, so I should at least marry someone who will give me a bit of an advantage, right? I want to strengthen my empire, and I want strong soldiers for our army mother, and I'm sorry to say this kingdom doesn't have that."

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