Disobeying Ghosts orders

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We were all inside the helicopter heading out to separate bases now, it's like fucking 5 in the morning and I hardly slept due to Konigs loud ass snoring. Oh and yes I was paired up with Ghost, what a coincidence right? Just the thing I needed. But perhaps it won't be so bad, I can actually show Ghost who's really the boss now.


Ghost doesn't threaten me, at all.

"Y/N!" Soap snapped his fingers in my face.

I looked up and around me, it was just Ghost and Soap left.


"Your stop is coming, you and Ghost will drop down behind the hill of the camp. Are you ready for this? You seem super tired."

"Yes I'm ready. I could do this on my own, preferably."

I glared at Ghost right Infront of me.

"It's not that easy Y/N, we don't even have an exact estimate of how many men are in the camp so please work together and focus."

"STOP 5 READY!!" Alejandro shouted from the front.

"Charge out!" Ghost ordered. He stood up and clipped his vest to the Zipline, I looked at Soap and followed, not that I was obeying his order or anything I just wanna get out as quick as possible, it's fucking hot as shit in here. I clipped my vest as well and jumped down behind him. Once we hit the sand we unclipped our vests and watched the helicopter take off. Ghost held his walkie on his vest,

"LT." He repeated twice.

"Copy." Soap spit through the speaker.

Ghost wailed his arm for me to follow, I ignored him and looked over past the mountain, it was a mile away. Ghost snapped at me, I looked over.

"What?!" I snapped.

"You follow my fucking orders." He hovered over me.


He turned around not even giving me a chance to respond, we walked around to the back watching every move of the men guarding the camp. Ghost waved his hand down as we crouched behind a broken down building.

"We go right to left, you will take out the outside men and I'm going in." He demanded. Who does he think he is? He's not the fucking leader here, I wasn't ordered to follow him like a puppy, I'll do what I fucking want.

I stood up and jogged next to the camp as voices got louder.

"What the fuck are you doing." He shouted in a whisper.

I looked at him and flipped him off, oh God his eyes just pierced right through my skin, he's pissed, super pissed I shouldn't have done that much.

I looked over and gasped as a guy smacked his gun right into my forehead, I stumbled backwards falling onto the ground as I heard gun shots firing over my head. My vision went blurry for a few seconds, voices started shouting and I hear footsteps running towards me. Suddenly a sharp pain went right into my shoulder, I jerked back and whimpered in pain, I grabbed my shoulder. Suddenly I was grabbed from behind, I looked up and it was Ghost. He picked me up and started retreating. Gun shots rang through my ear as sand blew up into the air around us. Ghost ran, and ran.
Everything was so..weird.

"Y/N, Y/N STAY AWAKE!" Ghost shouted at me.

"4 TWO 4 TWO, NEED BACKUP NOW." Ghost screamed into the walkie talkie.



Soaps voice echoed through my head.. where is Y/N hit.. where am I hit..? Everything was so blurry, I looked over at Ghosts chest where the pain in my shoulder was, all I saw was red.. lots of red. I started going in and out of consciousness, one minute we were running next thing I know we're in this wooden broken building. I saw Ghost above me, he bit onto his sleeve and ripped off some of it, he slipped it over my arm and above my wound tying it super tightly. I winced.

"Y/N, stay still, help is coming." Ghost reassured me.

Why does he seem so worried. Why does he care so much all of a sudden, he's a cold human who doesn't give a shit about anyone, right..?

God my head fucking hurts, fuck, fuck I'm going o-

Out of consciousness, again, of course.

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