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"Did you say anything about it?" Dahlia asks, curious to know.

She still can't believe Aaliyah actually kissed her last night. If she wasn't so weird and upset still about the Jenna thing, she would definitely be messing with Jenna about her saying she was jealous of Aaliyah. But despite the fact that Jenna may not feel weird about any of it, she still does. And she's not in the mood to tease her; especially about something that he herself doesn't even fully understand the meaning of.

"In this family, you don't say anything," Jenna tells her, opening the car door and waiting for her to get in. "You never do. You just look the other way and pretend it didn't happen, or all hell will break loose."

"You don't think she'll try again, do you?" Dahlia asks, sliding over to the other side of the car so Jenna can get in.

"Probably not," Jenna shrugs, leaning her head back and looking out the window. "But I have no idea."

Dahlia looks over and sees her spitting some of the hair out that she got caught on her sticky lips, making a face as she tucks it back and behind her ear. Then she breathes out and looks down at her newly-long nails, examining them diligently.

"You look beautiful, by the way," Dahlia blurts out, not even really meaning to say it out loud. She can't look at her anymore without turning red or stuttering or doingsomething embarrassing. "I meant to tell you earlier, but...we got distracted, I guess."

"Thanks, Dahlia," she nods and laughs, glancing over at her. "It all feels weird to have on, but I actually do feel pretty. I guess I see the hype about this stuff or whatever. But anything that pleases my mom is probably inherently evil anyway, so it doesn't really matter."

"Don't think about your mom today," Dahlia tells her, leaning her head back on the seat to look at her. "Let's just have fun, okay?"

"You're right," Jenna nods, breathing out. "Whatever she says, whatever she does...I'll ignore her. The trip is almost over, anyway-I'm sure I can deal with it for one more day."

Dahlia suddenly gets the realization that they really do only have one more day left. One more day of pretending to be a couple, one more day of sleeping together, one more day in Hawaii. Only one more day until they have to go back home and face reality: classes and exams and her tiny apartment and the loneliness she ever even knew she had until she came on this trip.

As much as Dahlia dreaded all of this before the trip, she now wishes she never had to go back.

They finally pull up at the venue half an hour later, and Dahlia stares in amazement at all of it. Along the vibrant green grass, there are rows of beautiful bamboo chairs with an aisle in the middle that has blue, pink, and yellow flowers sprinkled on the ground. There are lights strung up on the palm trees that overlook the rocks and the waves and the beach, and there's an arch at the end of the aisle that's twined with big, beautiful palm leaves.

Dahlia's at a loss for words.

"God, this is...it's so beautiful," she laughs a little, looking around in mesmerization.

"Yeah, it doesn't even look real," Jenna nods, glancing around with wide-eyes herself. There's a few people still setting things up, but Dahlia doesn't spot any of her family there.

"Is anyone else here? Didn't your other family get in last night?" Dahlia asks, nervously fixing her tie. She wants to look nice.

"Don't be nervous, Dahlia," Jenna laughs, looking around. "But I think Mia got ready for the whole bridesmaid thing early so she could come help, so I think that means it's just her and Jordan for now. Distant family and friends are coming when it starts, which is at five. I just wanted to help setup."

- Hawaii lust - Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now