Chapter 36

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Please read the Announcement at the end of the chapter. It's important.

Sorry for the late update x

Warning: Multiple POVS ahead.

            F A T I M A ' S P O V

"Tims she's doing good. I'm really trying my best to forget her but it's really difficult." I could hear zayn sigh.

I wish you know that i'm going true the same Zayn.

I wish i can forget you.

I wish i can forget my feelings for you.

I wish you can see how much i really love you.

"It's okay Zaini, it'll take time but it'll definitely be good soon.

"Tims are you okay? You don't sound your usual self with me, tell me what's wrong. Are you stressed about your studies again?" Zayn blasted.

I have been stressed since my parents dropped the bomb of marriage on me.


"You wanted to see me Dad?" I asked as i sat down on the sofa facing my dad and mum.

"Yes Fatima, it's not a new news that you were betrothed to Azan since the day you we're born,it was all your Dadi Ammi's dying wish, she wanted you to get married at 20 and that too,to Azan, but since Azan disappointed us and got married to another girl, you are now 20 and i want to fulfill half of her wish by getting you married and we already have a suitable suitor for you." Dad finished.

I only stared at him in shock.

Is this a joke or something?

"No it's not Fatima, we're really serious." Mum replied this time.

Ohh i said that out loud.

"You can't get me married. I don't want to get married now and not to someone I don't even know, what about my studies? Dad what's going on? "

"I already explained it to you and you're not a small girl anymore, you can continue your studies, no one is stopping you." Dad said.

"I really don't want to get married to someone i don't know Dad, please think about this,i want to marry someone of my choice, someone i know and trust." I reasoned.

"Well do you have anyone in mind? Think about it carefully and if you do, let me know, but if you don't, then prepare to meet the suitor i picked for you by next week." Dad said before storming upstairs with mum trailing behind.

As soon as he was gone,i bursted out and began sobbing.

Why are they behaving like this? Why does he want to marry me off and that too,to someone i don't know

______Flashback ends____

"Tims are you still there?" Zayns voice snapped me out of my thoughts again.

"Yes, sorry i just zoned out. What was it you were saying?" I asked.

"I was asking what the hell is going on with you today, you sound so low and disturbed about something,so spill." Zayn demanded.

"Nothing is wrong, just drop it." I snapped a little.

"Don't joke with me Tims,spill it out right now or i'm definitely coming there, this instant, and you know i don't bluff."

Oh this persistent bull.

" Fine. My Dad wants to get me married to someone i don't even know." I couldn't help but burst into tears, after completing my sentence.

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