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My heart was beating out of my chest and even though I didn't show it on the outside, every part of my body on the inside was squirming around and turning.

"My intrusive thoughts are speaking to me again." Thalia says, fisting her hands to her sides.

"What are you thinking?" I ask her, trying to act how I usually would.

I didn't realize before how real what I was about to do actually is, I was more nervous of what she'd say.

"To stick my head out the window while you drive at full speed." She tells me, I think that's just her way of thinking and not the intrusive thoughts she says it is.

"Go ahead. If you want your head chopped off by a truck." I don't hold back on the details just to refrain her from even thinking about sticking her head out the window.

"Well when you put it that way, I don't wanna do it anymore." She slouches in her seat.

"But then again if I did get my head chopped off we wouldn't be able to make out like we just did back at that parking lot." She thinks out loud, smirking at me.

"Think about that whenever your intrusive thoughts take over." I tell her and she nods, agreeing with me.

"Okay, I will." She taps her fingers on her lap as she looks out the window. Shortly free she's putting her right arm out the window, she couldn't stay still to save her life.

The sound my phone makes of a new notification gets her attention and she reaches for my phone in the cup holder before I could even do anything about it.

"Why is Duke blowing up your phone?" She asks, her brows furrowed in curiosity.

I try  snatching it away from her as I try keeping my eyes on the road at the same time  but she moves her hand back.

"Thalia." My voice comes out more annoyed than I intended. I'm just nervous and her being so close to finding out why isn't helping me.

"Heather." I'm sure she only calls me this to annoy me. It works but I'll let it pass today.

I reach for the phone again at a red light and manage to snatch it out of her hands. I look down at my phone only to see Dukes dumbass texting me every five minutes.

I told the idiot not to until after I texted him first but he just doesn't listen to me. I already have one person in my life that doesn't listen to me, I don't need two.

Did the mission happen yet?

Did you ask her yet?

Dude, are you not understanding my secret code? Did you propose yet?


Alright, I get it.

Send a 1 if she says yes or a 2 if she said no.

3 is for she pointed and laughed at your face in front of everybody and left you in the middle of no where, stealing all your money.

I manage to quickly read through all of his messages and I roll my eyes before turning it off and putting my phone back in my pocket. He better hope Thalia didn't read any of that or I swear I'll kill him when I see him.

My eyes focus back on the road and I think to myself while driving before realizing it was too quiet in a car Thalia was in. I look over at her only to see her biting her lip and side eyeing me,

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