Chapter 3: first day of school

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Today was not a good day for Damian. It has been a month since he agreed to stay with our girl Mari and it was going well, he even recognized her as his Mammon. She would take him everywhere except for missions, that is when he stays with his new grandparents in the bakery or with the miraculous team, he was not happy about that part but that's not the reason why he is in his emo baby mode. He knew today was coming but it still came as a shock to him, the day his mother sends him to school. He had argued many times with her to persuade her, but it seemed to have been her who one this battle of wits and who has the cutest puppy dog eyes. Yet he still tries to plead with her like right now.

" I still don't see why I have to go to school, I already know everything they'll even teach and I'm probably smarter than those harlots." Damian said moody as ever.

" Dami you're still a kid and I want to give you something I barley even had. A decent childhood." Mari says pulling up near the school entrance. " I want you to make friends, make mistakes like every other kid and make memories good or bad because even if you're the heir to the league your still kid and you're my kid." She continued trying to get through to him and she does, she always does.

" How bout this? I was planning to give you this on your birthday but I think now would be a good time too." Mari soon takes out a round palm sized ladybug box and handed it to him.

As soon as he opened it a bright light flew out and made it way next to Marinette who hands it a piece of Camembert cheese. It was none other than black cat kwami Plagg. " Hey kid, what's up!" Said the tiny god munching on the cheese.

" Hello Plagg"

" I thought about it and I think it's time for me to get back out there and to do that I need a partner. What do you say? Of course you'll need more training so you can control the bad luck and..........* Begins her long a** explanation*"

" Mammon, I'd be honored to be your partner" he said looking up at her with admiration in his eyes.


Marinette made her way out of the principal's office with Damian in toe. He had only been in school for an hour and already got sent to the principal's office and suspended for getting into a fight and now here they are driving to her cafe to get something to eat and for Marinette, she really could use a drink but it's too early for that. Plus Tiki wouldn't let her hear the end of it.

Oh well we'll give school another try tomorrow.

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